We gonna party cuz it's my SITS day!
Gonna sip Bacardi cuz it's my SITS day!
Can you tell I'm excited? Can you? CAN YOU?? Oh, I've been waiting for this day!! A BIG thank you to Heather and Tiffany--the masterminds behind SITS. And welcome SITStas!!!!!!
Please allow me to introduce myself (okay, now I have that song and the 50 Cent song stuck in my head...). I am Jennifer, mom to four boys (ages 14-5) and a bacon-addicted two year old girl.

We like to go on lots of family adventures--here's one from our summer vacation and here's one when we took trapeze lessons! We also like to go on restaurant adventures, like this one.
We have approximately ten million pets. Our newest one is featured here. And here are some humiliating pictures of my dogs in costumes.
I enjoy knitting, watercolor painting and glassblowing. As you can see from my header, I also like Kreepy Klowns. Oh, and Gerard Way

congrats on your day! Who doesn't love bacon...and we are finally getting a pinkberry where I live...super stoked!
Woot for your SITS day! I hope it's a fabulous one! I am pretty new to the whole thing, but so far I dig it.
Congrats on being the SITS blog of the day!
I have to admit I wasn't really expecting to see you on a trapeze when I clicked the link...but WAY TO GO! How fun does that look?!? However, I'm still trying to grasp that a park was randomly offering trapeze lessons...strange! Have a great day!
Congrats on your SITS day and My Chemical Romance rules!!! Can we share him LOL
Congrats on your SITS day - you deserve it! Such a great blog you have.. I could go on... but yuo will have enough comments to read later!
Happy SITS day, you might regret it, as your going to have a billion people comment on your blog and it will take a billion days to comment back!! lol
Now you got your song stuck in my head also!! lol
Super Congratulations on your sauciness!!!!
Enjoy your special day and lots of bloggy love!!!!!
Congratulations on being featured today. Thanks for the BIG welcome too! I am a bacon girl too!!!
Congrats Saucy Mama! ;-)
SITS is just awesome, and I'm so glad I found your blog!
Yea! Congratulations on you special day! ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY... Happy to say I knew you when... Have a super fab. day!
I've never heard of this SITS stuff but yeah for you! Enjoy!!! Enjoy!!
Congrats on your SITS day! Btw I am also addicted to Pinkberry!
Ever since me and my fiance shared a Pinkberry dessert and he proposed to me with a gorgeous diamond engagement ring from www.idonowidont.com I've try a new flavor there once a week!
Congrats on your feature!!! Cute Blog!
Congratulations! I'm gonna admit...I'm a little nervous about the clown....I uh, uh....fear them myself, but hey, I can close my eyes and scroll, right? LOL
You have a beautiful family!!!!
Happy SITS Day!
Happy SITS day! We don't have Pinkberry here, so sad!! I love your blog, your sense of humor is just my style. :) Enjoy your feature day!
You totally rock!!! Congrats on your SITs day!! Have a great time with all that bloggy love:-)
Yay for your Day! Loved the song the wrote!
WTG on your special day! Fun reading your blog - love the open letters to people who annoy!
What a beautiful family! Congrats, SITSta!
What a great day...it's Jennifer's Day!!!
CONGRATULATIONS on your day!!! You have to be the coolest mom ever!! And I'm a fellow knitter & LOVE the sweater you made for Pickle!!! Did you have a pattern or just make it up? Its adorable! What a way to use up stash!!!!
I'll definately be stopping back by to see what's the latest is in your Krazy Klown life! :-)
I love your blog!!! Its so much more well rounded than mine. I have one son and the blog is completely about him, like I don't have a life otherwise (well, I don't really!!). Anyway, I hope I can branch out more like you!! I love the look of your blog too, so creative!!!
Congratulations on your SITS day. I can tell you are excited. Yeah, the giant clown at the top kind of freaked me out. But, whatever, I can hang. Great blog.
Congrats on your day! Your blog is so freaking cute!!
Your children are adorable!
Top of the mornin to ya sis. I feel quite comfortable here, mingling with freaks and all.
If there's one thing I love, it's a gal that expresses herself in her template. Don't you?
Happy SITS day! I hope it is fabulous.
Yay on being featured on SITS!
Happy SITS day!!! I'm enjoying your blog so off to read more of it !
Oh no...Gerard is MY boyfriend. Don't go spoiling it for me-- if you're quiet about it we can share. I especially love all the guys in their Black Parade outfits.
My daughter is addicted to sausage... she's a crazy kid!
Congrats on being saucy:)
Congrats on your SITS day! Your blog is very funny and your kids are adorable!
Happy SITS day!! I'm a bacon addict too!! Such tasty goodness
congrats on the SITS Feature! I love your blog. So fun!!
Congrats on your day....from a mom with only 3 boys, but 2 girls, and blond hair instead of red, but besides that...I get the fun house part. :)
great blog! I am a knitting fiend too!
Hi and congratulations on your special SITS day! What a beautiful family you have and I can tell you're a fun gal by your cute blog and your hair! How precious is that? I love bacon, too!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Your kids are adorable! Congrat's on your SITS day!!!
"Nana's Box"
I fear that the bacon addiction has become a global epidemic. I to suffer from it. They should have a 12 step program for the stuff.
Great Blog. Over from SITS. Very Saucy.
WOO! Congrats on your big FB day! I hope you get inundated with commenty love - it's the BEST! :)
I love your blog design, it is utterly fantabulous!
Cheers, SITSta!
congrats on your SITS day. i would partake in some of dat bakardi, but i beez knocked up and stuff!!! :) so drank one fo me!!!
your blog is adorable and your children are beautiful!!! :)
what a ridiculously GORGEOUS family!!! congrats on your sits day!
I'm so happy for you with the SITS day! You deserve it! I've followed your blog for a while now and I'm tickled that you have this honor! Woo Hoo!!
Oh yay for you Jennifer. You know I just adore you and your crazy clown loving self. Also I now have 50 cent in my head. Thanks.
Happy SITS day!
Stopping by with some SITS comment love. Off to check out more of your site.
congrats on your SITS day! It looks like I have lots of reading to do. Can't wait! Loved your post by the way!
Congrats on your day in the sun! LOVE your blog.
:) Holly
Okay anyone who quotes Jay-Z and 50 is a FRIEND OF MINE! You. So. Rock. I love this site, and definitely plan on visiting again and again and again. Happy SITS day!
Congrats!! Nobody deserves a SITS feature more than you.
Happy SITS Day!!! Love your blog!
Hello! Congrats on being saucy! I love your blog and definitely plan on being back for more!!
Whoo Hoo congrats on your day.... I was going to post a comment on the person above me in roll call but it is you!!! So I'm killing two birds with one stone! The person above me AND the FB!!!
(I Love PinkBerry too.... there is one down the block from me - they know my name, its a problem!)
Congrats on being featured on SITS! If anyone deserves it, you do!
Congrats on your sits day, Jen!! :)
Happy Sits day!
Your posts are a hoot! Thanks for the smiles.
Congrats on your SITS day!!
Gracious your boys are adorable.
I've got three girls....just sayin.
Happy SITS day! I can't wait to read your blog, your family looks like they have a lot of fun together! And I *am* going to stay and read it despite being slightly frightened by the clown in the header, LOL! :)
Jen! Woo hoo on the SITS! I'm already a loyal reader so I knew most of this, but it's always good to see a Pinkberry! Yay for you!
Congrats on your SITS day. What a fun blog.
I love your blog. It's so decorative and fun. Your posts are hilarious, your kids adorable. Pickle addicted to bacon is way too funny.
I had a blast visiting today! Enjoy all the comment love!
Love your blog!!! You have a beautiful family! Stopping by from SITS.
Woo hoo for your SITS day! I love your blog - and I think the bacon meltdown post is one of my favorites. Too, too cute!
Congrats on your SITS day! Love your 50 cent rendition. :)
Happy SITS day!
I may or may not be back because I find the clown on your header to be very scary! :o)
Whooop ~ whooop! Happy SITSta day! I'm coming back later today to devote a bit more time to you & your family ... this damned work thing it getting in the way of life!
Happy SITS day. I enjoyed the pics from the carnival. Also the Korean restaurant. I live in Hawaii, so Korean food, as well as all Asian cuisines, are well represented. One of our favs is the Korean restaurants where you cook at the table. Vietnamese food is my favorite.
Wooo I love Pinkberry, too!!!
Congrats on your special day!!!
Congrats on your SITS day!!! WHOA!
Yay on your SITS feature day!
Party on!
Oh Happy Day ~ SITSa!
Your blog is super cute - gotta go read more!
No idea what a Pinkberry is, I once got really sick because I ate a whole container of Bacon Bits, and I am adding you to my Blogroll.
And hot coffee blown out your nose from laughing really does hurt!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Just read the diaper post how crazy is that?
Congrats to you! Pinkberry looks amazing, but there are none in my area! :(
Nice to meet you. Have a Great day!
Congrats on your SITS day! I so enjoyed peeking around your page. You and yours look like you know how to have a fun time!
Great to meet you! Have a giggly day!
Happy Sits day!!!!!!
Congrats on your day! I've had so much fun here! I'll be back often to see what else ya'll have gotten into =)
Congrats on your SITS day! What a great looking blog!
Congrats on your day in the sun!
So excited for you!!!
And, btw: Gerard Way = hottie. How come noone ever told me before??
Congrats on your SITS day!
I love your blog and all the pics of the kiddos are super cute! :)
Congrats on your day! Thanks for putting 50 Cents in my head... I'll be singing it all day now! :) Love your blog & hearing about your adventures!
Pinkberry is my favorite color...
Pinkberry it was love at first sight...
Pinkberry is my favorite obssession!
Hey I know he's (Steven Tyler) old, but dang he can still rock it! If you like that type of music.
I'm thinking...I do.
Have a wonderful SITS day!
Ooo, I like it here! I am going to have to come back again. Congrats on day, enjoy the shower.
Congrats on your SITSa day!! Your blog is super fun and I enjoyed reading a few of your posts!! have a great rest of the day!
Happy SITS day!
We don't have Pink Berry in Portland. I so-o-o wish we did.
OK. I'm going to go look at your bunny again. :->
You're funny - I can't wait to read more.
super fun you! happy sits day!
Congrats on your fabulous day you've been waiting for!!! I was checking out your blog and you guys are very adventureous...how awesome!!!!!
Can't wait to read more.
Congratulations on being the FB on SITS!!!
yay congrats on your day in the spotlight.
mmmmmm bacon!
Congrats on your SITS day!!!
Congrats on your SITS day! Still new to blogging but love your site.
Happy SITS day, even though I hate clowns your blog looks so fun :)
Wow, look at all the comments you have! Wooohoooo.....
You really have a great blog, congrats on your day!
Nice to meet you! One day, all of us blogging Jennifers should unite and form a group Jennifer blog. :-)
Congratulations! Bacon rocks and your blog is so fun. Have an awesome day!
Um, Gerard didn't tell you? He's actually my boyfriend...sorry! I don't share well :)
Your funny! I think we'd get along perfectly (except for the whole "he's my boyfriend not yours" thing!)
COngrats on your day!! Great blog!
Ha, I've been meaning to visit your blog FOREVER. I've seen that red-headed profile pic on various other blog comment sections.
Yay, I'm finally here. Congrats on today being all about you :)
WEE HAW!! I too am addicted to Pinkberry, I must go get some RIGHT NOW!
Congrats on your SITS day. You have a beautiful family. Thanks for making us feel welcome today!
I love this blog. So glad I found you through SITS!
Nice to meet ya, in an e-introduce sort of way. I am a lurker on SITS, still figuring things out on there. Your blog cracks me up! Look forward to stopping by frequently.
Adorable pink photo of your daughter on the side bar!! Love it!
Congrats on being featured today! I have enjoyed getting to "know" you, your family, & your pets!
Congrats on being our SAUCY SITSa today!
Saw that you were the "chosen one" on SITS and thought I'd swing on by.
Your family looks like they are a blast to hang out with! So many beautiful smiles...
I'm a bit of a crative junkie, too, and I was captivated by your glass blowing. Never tried it, but you kinda make me wanna try! Where do you find the time and space for it all?
Hooooray! Congrats-I'm so excited that you're featured because I've been bouncing around your blog for a bit and LOVE it:-) Enjoy your day!
Holy comments, Batman! Just stopped by from SITS to show some love! Beautiful children! And your voting experience sounded a lot like mine!
Happy SITS day, Jennifer!!! Hope your having a great one!!!!
Happy SITS Day! Go, Jennifer! Go, Jennifer! :-D
bacon makes me happy too!! congrats on the SITS day!
Congrats on your SITS day! I seriously eat bacon almost every day.
Congrats - I have something for you on my site!
Yay! Congrats on your SITS day! Woo Woo!
cute site Jennifer. Yum on the Pinkberry...slurp! WooHoo on being sit o' the day :)
Congrats on your big SITS day, enjoy the lovely spotlight for the day!
Jennifer: congrats on a fanTAbulous SITS Day! BTW, I'm afraid of clowns, too! But I REALLY love your blog!!
Congrats on your big day!!
You guys sure do know how to have a good time around here =) I really enjoyed my tour (except for the Kreepy Klowns. Ever since I was a little girl I have been TERRIFIED of clowns!!)
Woo hoo! I'm #123! What do I win??????
Anyway, congratulation on being the featured Saucy blog today! Hope you're having a great day wallowing in all our comment love!!!
- Margaret
congratulation ~ you sure is happy and having party today *wink-wink* and I adore your daughter pics with the bunny. I love your blog
HAPPY SITS DAY!!! And cute song to go along with your day... it was fun reading that! Hope you've enjoyed everyone stopping by!
Love your blog- Congrats on being the featured SITSta!
I found your blog from Lilly's life. I had to say hi, because I too have a pickle. That is the coolest thing I have ever heard. I thought my pickle was the only one!
Great minds think alike!
I will be back for sure!
Hope you enjoyed your comment lovin today. That clown? Majorly creepy!
Congrats on being a featured blogger!
Happy sits day... your blog looks like a lot of fun :)
Yay! Congrats on being featured! Have you enjoyed your day in the spotlight?
I love you, Jen, you know I do, but I feel so out of the loop. What is a SITS day?
I guess I'd know if I needed to ... :). Whatever it is, it sounds good, so I'm glad it's happened to you!
First congrats on being saucy... second, you have a great name, because mine is Jennifer too... third, I am scared of clowns, but other than that, we're cool....HAHAHA!!
Wow 135 comments! That is some impressive stuff. I was totally out of the loop yesterday & missed this! A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS - you are the perfect person to be featured. I love reading your blog.
A day late and a dollar short, but I still made it!!! Happy belated SITS day girlfriend:)
Happy SITS day !!!
Your blog rocks !!!
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