Going to the circus is like being at the airport--they know you're trapped in there and they can charge whatever crazy-time prices they can dream up.
Let's break down the event:
1. Seven tickets at $50 each--I don't want to add it up--it will depress me!

3. Program--$15
4.Cotton candy (which included humorous circus hat)--$92. Yes, you read that correctly--spun sugar and some clown hats NINETY TWO DOLLARS!!

5. Hot dogs, french fries and Cokes--$68.

I feel like I have single-handedly helped the state of the U.S. economy with my trip to the circus!
I apologize for the bad picture quality--I took one of the kids' cameras because I didn't want to lug mine. This is the best pic of the show I could get!

ALSO! A fun giveaway for some foodstuffs at Jumpin' In The Jungle--check it out!!
For his next Birthday we can have a house building party...that will help our economy! TeeHee! OMG that is expensive...It's so expensive these days to take a kid to a baseball game, football game or even everbody for movies! We all use to go out for a movie at Christmas...it has gotten to about 30 people...we'd have to take out a second mortgage to afford concession!
It looks like everyone had a great time though and I do love the circus!
Oh my! Seriously?!?! I had no idea - it has been forever since I have been to the circus! We got a free ticket for each of the girls when they were born and are going to use those next year when the circus is in town. But Wow! Thanks for the heads up!
The circus is fun, but my oh my- that was an expensive night, eh? =)
I kept thinking your were going to end with:
Fun and circus memories with kids - priceless!
I recognize the hats...we went to the same circus and, of course, bought the same cotton candy. I guess if you are spending that kind of money, you better get something extra that lasts longer than the food will.
Girl- i feel your pain!
OMG, are you kidding? No wonder we never go anywhere! Glad it was fun, but wow.
Wow! I've never been to the circus but I certainly will stay away now. You are definitely a good mom!
Holy mackerel - that's just unbelievable! WOW.
Oh I think I just crapped my pants. That is a ton of money. You must be such a cool mom. I think that was the same as my mortgage payment. And for that you could just come over to my house and I could put on a circus show!
Dang, that sno-cone cup is the stuff of nightmares!!
Good luck getting the second mortgage on your house to pay for it all!
Jenny, you could earn some of that money back by doing your own circus. You have all the necessary animals, and now you have lots of clown hats....And you know how to make cotton candy!
Marco just took a look over my shoulder at the computer screen and said, "Odio quel clown!"
you are one brave woman!
yes, i feel your pain.
You are braver than I am to go out with all of those kids by yourself! LOL
We haven't been to the circus for a long time because it's so expensive! Last time we went, it cost us $200 for 2 girls... ouch!
Yea, the last time we went to the circus I thought I was gonna pass out from the cost of it all! You ar a real trooper though!
We've yet to take our kids to the circus... no, I'm not sure I want to! LOL!
What an investment!!
OMG!!! I can't believe those prices!!! That is very close to INSANE!
OMG! That's alot of cash. I know I didn't want to go the last time the circus was here because of how expensive I thought it was. Not to mention the amount of kids you had with you. I would go crazy. YOu are a strong woman and mother. Take Care!
Whoa Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have the Shriner's Circus that comes to town that we've been to. Not that big but expensive enough but not like your's! Man he racked up for this birthday, LOL!!
Thanks for posting me!!
What a fun birthday! The kids are adorable! Thanks for stopping by my blog, keep in touch!
Holy smack! That is a lot of dough! I guess we won't be going to the circus... in my lifetime!
Aw, how fun! You created such a special day for him! Lucky-ducky boy. I love, love all the pictures!
See! I have been trying to tell you that you can't trust those clowns ;) They should have let you have an elephant for that much. I know every time we go anywhere it is crazy expensive. But it is a ton of fun! That's too bad Pickle didn't get to see it all.
Wow...just wow!
Like some others have said, it's been ages since I've been to the circus and I had no freakin' clue it had gotten so hellaciously expensive!
Looks like you all had a blast. Although you are a brave brave BRAVE woman to escort SIX boys to the circus. I would have been in a Xanax coma by the end of that trip!
I cant wait til I get to take my kids to the circus i think they will love it. You have a great blog.
I know it's crazy isn't it. We spent like a mortgage payment there. I lost it when I found out Ticketmaster charged me $2.50 to email the tickets...seriously just insane...email, last time I checked that was free!
We only have a little circus come to our town, pony/monkey/dog type thing, I think it was $12 a ticket.
I would have fainted at those prices.
That is INSANE! I had no idea the circus would be so much! I think just the $50 tickets for 7 would have done me in but then add in all the treats. Geesh.
DANG!! Thats insane!!!
do you ever listen to Bob and Tom? they have this really funny skit about "carny food" its all in bad humor too. but I love it..
hope your $92 worth of hats lasts longer than they look like they will make it
Dear Lord! It's like Mardi Gras, except you actually recall where all your money went! (see, that is where I think the concept of selling "parental flasks" with complimentary taxi fare would be a major money maker). Although, I have to say, the hats are killer...
OMG! That is all I can say! OMG!
Hope you all had lots of fun!
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