Pickle was totally punchy this evening due to a severe case of nap lackage. First she had a crying fit then she just started acting crazy in the form of trying on any piece of clothing she found and dancing around.
She put on her skull scarf:

A pair of her brother's boxer shorts!

Then boxers with a pair of my shoes:

And finally the boxers ended up over her head!

What a party animal!!
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Candid Carrie for some Phriday Foto Phun!!
She is toooooo cute!! Love the fashion sense:-)
Cute! Even with boxers on her head!
That girl has style!
Hahaha- what cuteness!
She is so cute!
Look at that cutie! So precious
Could that dress be any cuter!??!?!!? Even with the boxers over her head, Pickle is one adorable fashionista!
As long as she was quiet and amusing herself...who cared!
Ya know in the future she's gonna look back at these and think. Ewww gross I put my brother drawers on my head. lol
But she is still darling.
She is SOOOO cute!
I have the same outfit!
Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! What a little cutie pie! My daughter suffers from nap lackage (love that term, and I'm stealing it, BTW) nearly every day, but she's just 6 months old. It will be so fun to see her do stuff like Pickle. TFS this bit of cuteness with us!
I have the skull cap...it looks way better on her!
that is just too cute. She is starting a new trend.
Oh the boxer match her eyes. hehe She's a beauty!
OMGosh! She is certainly an individual marching to her own drummer! LOL
Happy FFF!
Oh that last picture is DELICIOUS!! She's such a cutie.
Pickle is so cute! We're having some serious nap lackage problems around here, too.
What a cutie!!!
She's too cute!!!!
Isn't it funny how they kind of wig out when they don't have a nap. Zander will go through about 10 emotions in a span of 5 minutes and try everything in his power to NOT go to sleep.
Aw, what a cutie, and such a sense of style!
A skull scarf? Pickle is officially the coolest ever!
She is SO beautiful!
Oh yeah that's some good dancin'.
Mine was doing the dance with her brother's briefs one day!
She is sooo adorable!
Kids, huh??? Adorable shots!
She is so cute!! What great pictures.
The contest is over - sorry!!! BUT...I've lowered the price almost in half, so you can still get one really cheap!!
Oh, and thanks for the well-wishes. I'm "recovering" and enjoying the side effects of cold meds :)
Rockin! :)
She's hilarious. Love the boxer-head.
Adorable! I love her fashion sense. It's a lot like mine...
too cute!! she will regret that photo when she gets older and has a boyphriend!!
Well, heck, she's as cute as a button. She could wear a paper sack!
She sounds just like me!
That last picture is DA BOMB! You should let Pickle skip naptime every day. ;)
She's got style! lol
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