I went to vote today with Pickle--what a nightmare!!
Before I went to the polling place, I went for a walk with my friend so we could go to Starbucks and get our free coffee! Apparently, since Pickle experienced a new freedom on Halloween walking instead of stroller-riding--she's thinks she's "too cool" for the stroller and was not a happy camper on our walk.
Once we got to Starbucks, though, she was on Cloud Nine--dancing and prancing around and drinking her organic milk box. By the way--there are a couple of great new items on the Starbucks menu--one is a spinach/mushroom/feta cheese pastry thing (it has a fancy name I can't remember) and the other is a tortilla wrap with spinach, egg and sun-fried tomato. Both are delicious and make great breakfasts--just so you know!
So after my free coffee and spinach pastry, I headed over to vote with a most uncooperative Pickle.
She hated the voting room. HATED it. The second we walked in, she said "No like it!" and started crying. Meanwhile, I was juggling my wallet, her blanket (I didn't want to leave it in the stroller--because if it gets lost she'll never sleep again!) and assorted voting paraphernalia that had been thrust upon me.
Even though there was only one person in line ahead of me--the line was at a stand still. It was like people were moving in slow motion! I tried to ply Pickle with a complimentary Munchkin and an empty coffee cup--but she was having none of that!
Finally I made it through the check-in process--one of the ladies had gone off to the corner to talk to her mechanic (she went into explicit detail--she was getting her oil changed since she was going to be at the polling place all day). Great, lady! I'm glad to know that--now can I please vote!?
I opted for the touch screen because I thought it would be easier to do and keep my eye on Pickle. I was instructed to insert the card and not to remove it until the screen said "Thank you--remove your card."
So I was voting away--and Pickle REMOVED THE CARD!! The screen went haywire and said ERROR and instructed me to consult a polling official. Confusion ensued.
The "official" finally determined that I needed to redo my ballot in written form. I was so rattled--I'm not even sure who I voted for! Pickle tried to draw on my ballot and she spilled my wallet full of change. I got through it as fast as I could and, of course, there was another mix-up at the machine you feed the forms into.
Those people were SO happy to see me go!
You're welcome, Barack!!
Edited to add--Oops! I forgot to mention Candid Carrie's Amazing Velveeta recipe and giveaway!! I want to win!!! And I want to eat that dip...and so does Pickle!!

I remember those days vividly...upside my darlings all vote! I thnak you!
I am so glad I didn't have my kids! It was frustrating enough;)
Jen, when I got to the part of your post where Miss Pickle pulled out your ballot- I laughed. Out loud. That's the exact kind of thing that would have happened to me. :D
Happy Wednesday!
Luckly teachers are out on election day so I was able to get my cousin (english teacher) to babysit so I could vote! I had to stand in line for an hour!
LOL. What a way to vote! Child in tow and people watching on. I would have turned to them and said, "What? Pickle could be President one day!"
I can't believe Pickle pulled out the card! I took our girls with me but surprisingly enough, they behave pretty well. Guess I was lucky!
I was anticipating the same thing with taking Abby & Emma since I was taking them with me to vote. It was amazing! No line & they sat so still (I think a little taken back by all the older folks) and waited while I voted. We were in & out in 5 minutes!
I want go vote with my little one -
Now I know for sure he want come with me. I can't believe she pulled out the card. Aden is always pressing letters and buttons on my laptop when I'm trying to type -- I could see him when I'm voting. LOL
I think it is absoltuely amazing that you took her at all-too many people don't, and I for one loaded up all four of mine to took them with me. Two of hte four opted not to go in, but I need them to see firsthand that this is a BIG deal. I wish I would have been able to go to Sbux first, though- the spinach feta pastry sounds wonderful, and I love me some coffee. However, we don't have one here so....
yep, I can imagine if I had taken my kids they would have been just as thrilled to be there! So sorry you got rattled!
Looks yummy - minus the bacon (sorry, Pickle - we just don't agree here!)
I really want kids someday. Really very much. But moments like this let me know that I can appreciate my singleness while I have it!
I was really nervous about taking my daughter to the polling place, especially because there was talk of very long lines, but we were in and out in 5 minutes with no hassle or fussing. Whew.
I didn't take my daughter for that precise reason:-)
I had my boys with me but they were fine...for the last presidential election my mom came over to watch them because I am pretty sure they would have torn the place up!
you totally saved this post with velveeta...I am going to borrow that line in the future if its cool with you .
That is so funny! I took my son with me and even though he is almost 10, the whole time I was "don't touch anything!!".
2 words for you: absentee ballot
2 more words: you're welcome
Oh my!!! Yeah, Grandma had Z while I voted!!! I wanted NO distractions! :) At least you have a memorable story!!! :)
Yaaaay Obama!!! :)
OH...and I'll need a bunny pic tomorrow....or Pickle.....or bunny and Pickle???? Please?
Oh that is a tough one...I think you should have brought the bunny with you too.
Yup, she will be a future voter for sure...
Oh, man, that sounds like a fun time! I know it was stressful but that sure was funny.
Obviously Picke did not approve of your choices. :) Democracy ain't easy, is it?
Oh dear .... that sounded like quite a trip...
I'm laughing ... but not at you, you understand .. more in sympathy.
I remember voting with my kids in NZ. One year, one of my then 14 month old twins, ate part of my ballot ... that was fun explaining that to the officials...
wow, your voting is technical.
We just mark out votes on paper with pencils, and stick it in a cardboard box with a hole in the top.
Just wanted to let you know that I've got you entered !
Thanks and good luck ;)
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