Edited to add one more pic of the birds:

I ran out of birds but I think I'll get more and cover the whole thing. I think it would look coolest hanging on the wall--which we don't have room for now. Maybe if we ever get that real estate deal done?? We are still totally in limbo on that by the way.
In other news, Patrick got a lollipop with a REAL scorpion inside!
The ingredients were like sugar, artificial flavoring, scorpion.
But he ate it!The whole thing--tail and all! I don't know if I would have the guts to eat that--and I like weird food! Would you?
ALSO!! A Wii and Wii Fit Giveaway on Le Petite Chic !!!! I want it!!!
More!! Another giveaway! For these beautiful boots on Classt Chaos:

Oh that is so wrong.
I get the ebbie jeebies looking at that.
No...I can't even eat the worm from a bottle of tequila!
I am unsure about the birds...
did you try putting just some real old moss on it..play up the old side of it...I don't know!
Have a great day :)
No to the bug. Yuck.
Not sure about the birds. Need to see the finished project before I pass judgement. LOL!
Eww- I can't believe he ate the scorpion. What a brave guy you have there! :D
I can't even think about the sucker....That freaks me out. Aren't they poisonous? Have you checked on him this morning? His he alive?
LOL Sandi--he's still alive and actually made it to school!
My kids had those suckers...I can't remember if they ate the scorpion?? I probably threw it away before they got that far. Yeah, I will be getting mom of the year. not.
The birds are a way cool idea, I think like Ronda that something in a plain color behind them would make them really stand out!
I am scared of birds and scorpions!
Ewwwwwwwwww... I would NOT eat that!! You can eat those things!? I am so confused... and yuck yuck yuck! lol
I really dig the birds!
And I could never eat a scorpion!!
Scorpion on a stick? I'm pretty sure that is one of the signs of the apocalypse...right next to "banana hair clips coming back into style"
Yuck! I remember having one of those suckers when I was young. I don't think I ever ate it though. Eek!
I am sorry but I don't get your art and in fact its kind scary but then again I am not a bird person. I have a slight fear.
About the sucker, gross!
EWWWWWWWW!!! I hate bugs:-)
NOOOOOOO !!! I would so not eat that .... I like organic food with simple ingredients, but when the third ingredient is a scorpian, no way!!!!!
I think the potato thing with birds is cool....except I believe it is now a HAT !!
Um, no!!!! I don't have enough nerve to do that.
OMG! I can't believe he ate it! What a brave kid! I love the bird thing. I think it's a good idea to cover the whole thing with more birds. It would be cool. My grandma would fall in love with it. She LOVES birds.
LOL Temple!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've never really tried Lancome before but www.makeupalley.com has thousands of makeup product reviews, so I am sure you can see some opinions there before you buy. Hope that helps!
Wow! That is one brave boy. I wouldn't have eaten it, and I know my kids wouldn't have. Wow.
That sucker makes me sick just to look at!
I hate to say that the birdies kind of give me the creeps too. Like I'm in that old Hitchcock movie, "The Birds" and they are going to try to peck my eyes out any minute!
Ok I hope my boys don't see this cause they'll be all over me trying to find a scorpion sucker thay could eat!! LOl!!
I LOVE your birdies! Love. It.
And no, I would not have eaten the sucker. That is one brave boy!
OMG your kids will eat everything, that is just hilarious!
I love the birdies, my gawd where did you get all the variety?
I don't like birds... of the real-life kind anyway! Ew, they freak me out. But the fake-stuffed birds I can handle!
Patrick!!! Oh, no you di'int! Ew, ew, ew!!!!
I LOVE your birds!! I can't wait to see what it looks like covered with more birds!
As to the scorpion...Patrick is brave but so are you for letting him! I'd never have let my kids eat that!
Don't think I could eat the lollipop... & the giveaways... I am on my way over....
I'm withholding judgment on the birds. I'm generally a less is more kind of person with that sort of thing. I would prefer if there were only one or two birds. Maybe three. Maybe. I'll have to see the final project, in place, before I can really say anything though because I am often surprised by things.
As for that scorpion sucker. YUCK!
He ate the stinkin scorpion, gross, i would never eat that.
I did not know you could eat a scorpion...
That is very gross...however, very cool for him to be able to tell all of his friends he did that!!!
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