Well, hold on--before I tell you, I want to sent a HUGE thank you out to Heather and Tiffany of SITS for being such geniuses and thinking up the great idea that is SITS and also to all the AMAZING ladies who stopped by my blog and commented yesterday. It was so much fun--I didn't want it to end!! Thanks again Everybody--SO much!! I will be making the rounds to all of your blogs--it might take a few days to get to everybody though!
Okay--for full impact of my humiliation--listen to this as you read:
Just think, it's way better than if you said something like "ugh, I can't stand that woman!" LOL
You do Rock!
Awww, I wouldn't worry - at least it was Queen, I mean, they call Queen "classic" rock for a reason: Queen never goes out of style!
It isn't like, you know, you had cranked up some Engelbert Humperdinck or something.... :)
I would be embarrassed to but at least you were upbeat, happy and singing instead of inserting your foot in your mouth by saying something mean. That is what would of happened to me!
At least she knows your a ROCKIN' COOL Mom!
I'm jamming out at work right now just reading your post!! EVERYBODY knows you're the coolest mom in the state of Illinois! Look at it this way - you just confirmed it for her!! :)
I think you probably just made her day!
Maybe you could trade kareoke voicemails from now on... just to exorcise your inner rock star every once in a while.
too funny!
AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA!! Don't worry, I'm sure she just thought you were dropping a hint to be asked to provide entertainment for the party. :D
I agree with dysfunctional mom...It could have been a lot worse. Thanks for stopping by my blog this morning, feel free to visit any time. :)
Whatever! She probably thinks you are the coolest mom ever now and is afraid to face you in all your glory!
LOL!!!! You're lucky--you could have been playing that Jay-Z song you were quoting yesterday... that would have gotten you kicked out of the PTA for sure. LOL!
HA! Now she knows your cool, you could have been rocking out to Mel Torme. That would have been embarassing.
LOL--Yes, I'm sure she's totally intimidated by my mad singing skillz!!
At least it was a cool song! My sister did that to a friend of hers but it was a stupid song so she was made fun of!
ha ha! At least now she knows that you are a super rockin' mommy. At least you were singing and not yelling at the driver in front of you or something! :)
LMAO, You and Queen Rock! Just want to say thanks...that songs going to be stuck in my head all day now! LOL :0)
Maybe she's thinking that's your way of letting people know you hire out for parties, LOL!!! Man you really just crack me up!
LMAO. Modern technology can really catch us, eh? That was too funny!
Oh no! That's priceless.
I can totally see myself doing something like that.
You'll probably become best of friends now unless she hates Queen. ;-)
I can't believe I missed your big day yesterday! Congrats a day late. That is too funny about the phone call. That could have gone so much worse than it did. She probably did giggle at you...giggling is good for you! Just tell her your spreading the love.
Hahah! Maybe she deleted the voice mail before you got really carried away! Wishful thinking anyway!
Oh Honey!!! I have feared it...I am almost obcessive about it. I won't even turn the radio back on until an hour after the call:-) Ok...not that bad but...
Aw, don't be too embarrassed. I'm just proud of you for knowing all of the words. (I pretty much just know "Another One Bites The Dust" and the beat. :-> )
That's awesome!!!! Better to be the Rocker Mom than the Dweeb Mom...
LOL, thanks for the laugh! Congrats on your SITS day!
That is soooo funny! At least it was a good song....maybe she'll think you are just too cool....which you are!
That is awesome! I am sorry, I am so laughing with you, not at you at all. hehehehehe
Hahahaha!! That sounds EXACTLY like something I'd do. Good to know I'm not alone in my insanity lol.
I always sing "another one bites your butt" when I hear this song. Can you call me and serenade me?
That sounds like something I would do! Don't worry, she'll probably like you more for it.
Holy Crap... That is something I would do... Ha.
I am in tears that is too funny.
ah, that is painfully funny! you will have to let us know what ehr reaction was when you saw her!
Oh, Jennifer, I love you!! This sounds like something I would do! I'll bet that mom just laughed and laughed.
Now I would love to have you join our Divas! Anytime, just let me know and I'll show you off to all of Blogland.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I bet she saves that for a good black mailing moment!!! That is hilarious!
That is stinkin' hilarious. I bet she'll start a blog just to play that message on it! LOL!
Oh, you poor thing!!!!
But it really is a hoot!!!
Oh, my! That is, indeed, hysterical!
(followed you from SITS)
Love this post, I have done this numerous times, well maybe a couple! LOL
Thanks for the smile/laugh! :)
OMGosh! How embarassing is right! YIKES!
Thanks for the giggles!
Happy FFF!
Aww this is funny! And it happens to me all the time!!!
You are Rockin mama, don't you worry!!
Too funny!
I always embarrass myself when leaving messages. Well, I think I embarrass myself... I tend to ramble. On and on. And on. But only when leaving someone a message. My mouth keeps talking, but the voice in my head is saying "just shut up now!"
How awful! (& hilarious!) Hope she got a good laugh out of that!
Oh, you know you totally made her day. That's awesome.
ha! I burst out laughing picturing this. Well if you'd called me, I'd have thought it was funny as hell!
LMAO... Well, at least everytime she hears the song now she will think of you....lol. I think it's better than her hearing you say something she may not like...lol.
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