I guess that's why I'm depressed--when a big production like Halloween is over, I get to thinking that next year Pickle will be so much more of a big girl and Gooser probably won't be into Batman and wearing the costume all the time. They just keep getting older!!!
So today I took down all the Halloween decorations and decided that I couldn't put any of them away until I completely reorganized and cleaned my storage room. It was a HUGE job and I ended up getting rid of tons of stuff I had been keeping for no reason--old car seats and baby swings, lots of old toys. I don't know why I hang on to some of these things--it's a habit I must break! It was an all-day project, but it's good because I really accomplished something. And now I can access all my Christmas stuff with ease!
In the midst of my cleaning frenzy, I came across this giant clown painting I had bought years and years ago. I bought it at a thrift store for a children's hospital and they had told me the painting used to hang in the hospital but "scared the children" so they got rid of it. Apparently it's by a famous artist--I should do some research!
The painting is ginormous--probably six feet high--and it's been in the storage room since we moved here because we couldn't find a good spot for it. Also, my "clown phase" had kind of waned when we moved--but since I started my blog, my clown phase is back in business. Do you think I should hang the painting up? I'll try to get a pic of it tomorrow--it's still wrapped up--but picture a humongous clown face. Kind of a melancholy clown.
I also found my box of doll parts and fake vintage teeth--I had been looking for that!!
If you haven't seen my Halloween recap--scroll down to yesterday's post...

I am sorry...they do grow up fast...I am a recovering pack rat and I really have to work at it everyday!
I know they grow fast! Aden is fixing to be 3 -- where does the time go. I take everyday as it is the last. That's why I let my kids play and be kids get in the dirt and mud. Because one day they want be into that anymore. I have a 13 year old now and he is into his music and computer.
I would hang the picture.
they do grow up fast, but i think i must be the only mom in the world that actually looks forward to the growing up part, lol! is that horrible?
i would definitely hang the painting, it sounds fabulous and i'm sure it would be a good conversation piece!
I wanna see the clown painting- sounds cool, and huge! lol.
WTG on reorganizing your storage room, Jen!
I actually love to organize and get a happy high from it. Weird, I know. ;D
I always get depressed when Halloween is over. To me it means that snow is on the way. And though snow is pretty, I live on a hill and I get stuck! Yuck!
It Is sad when they get older and all this will be diffrent in a very short time. And though I would like to SEE the clown pic, my first thought is to say no, don't hang it up-but then I have one who HATES clowns!
I can't wait to see that painting!
I always get post-holiday depression. You spend weeks building up to it and then it's just over. Luckily, this time of year is just lousy with holidays so you can immediately jump onto the next one. Thanksgiving, anyone?
Ohhh...can't wait to see the huge clown painting. I keep looking at my Halloween decorations, but haven't made a move to put them away yet...so much work!
I know...I need to clean out my storage area however, that will happen during the autumn/winter exchange after Thanksgiving:-)
See now, I'm happy that Halloween is over. Not because I don't like it, trust me, I love Halloween.... but I'm also ready for what's next ~ Thanksgiving, Christmas (and oh, yeah, a wedding - so smiling)
I'd love to see a picture of the clown!
Oh I can't wait to see the clown pic...and yes time flies right now...it's already the 3rd...grrrrr.
I think you should hang it up! Let's see it!
I usually don't get depressed until January 1st when I take down my tree. Then I am ready for June.
I feel the same way the day after Christmas. It makes me so sad I almost always take the tree and decorations down the day after. I even one year took the tree down the night of! I feel so sad knowing it's over.
um.. six foot tall clown picture...scary! But I would love to see...please show us!
Yay for getting organized! I need to do that, too...
I know what you mean about kids getting older. Both my girls have birthdays in February. The youngest will be 6... for some reason, that just blows my mind. My baby should not be 6! Not yet!
I'm bummed too, because I didn't get to have the kids for Halloween and I don't like the coming holidays all that much. Too much extended family drama, and if I try to do my own thing with my kids and not include the family, all hell breaks loose.
The clown picture has already made it into my nightmares...and I haven't even seen it yet!
I'm so glad you found your doll parts...yes, we all hate when we lose those. ;)
I agree....time is flying and our kids grow up too fast.....waaaay too fast. I'm sad right there with you!
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