Point blank--this bunny is just like having a dog or a cat. He wants to be pet constantly (and still purrs a lot). We let him hop around in the family room while we're watching TV in the evenings and he has figured out how to jump up on the sofa with me. If I try to put him down, he'll hop right back up! He's a stalker bunny!
He has also developed the strange habit of nibbling on my hair. He's relentless--I'm going to have to start wearing my hair in a pony tail to keep him away.
The other weird thing he does is sneak into the fireplace and sniff around (when there's no fire going, of course) and now my snowy white bunny is all covered in soot. I don't know how well this will show up in the pics--but he's all dingy and grey and I don't know how to clean him. Can you bathe bunnies? I'm guessing no!

Cute...maybe a dry shampoo product!
Pretty funny! Not sure how or if you can bathe a bunny, but if you can and you find out how, you will have to share that adventure (preferably with pics) with all of us!
I've never had a bunny... so I don't know what is normal behavior for one! I still love that he purrs! And even all soot-y, he's so cute :)
I don't know about the questions but he's so darned cute!
I think you need to take him to the salon for a cleaning...maybe he needs a pink streak? I am just saying...
Oh, he just seems like the sweetest bunny ever!
And, how funny that you caught Don snuggling with hoppy? ;D
He's even cuter than I remembered! He's now a full-fleged member of the family.
I think everything is perfectly normal from what I can tell. We've recently had to adjust our bunny cage because our's figured out how to open it & get out any time he wanted to. He always appears out of nowhere! I think it's cute that your's is so spoiled, too!
We had a chinchilla for a while, and they like shiney things....yup say good bye to all my necklaces. he would bite through them quicker than anything. But hair.....be careful!
I would not bathe him until you ask a vet. I know certain animals you can mess up their hair if you immerse them. I know this because we bathed our hamster once (long story why) and he never, ever looked the same:)
Hmmm.... purring and nibbling your hair.....I'm sorry that is just cracking me up!!LOL!!!!!!!!!
Sorry can't help with the bath question, he is cute gray and white though!!
Oh...he is the cutest bunny. I didn't know bunnies would be so cuddly like that with people. Now I want one.
Awww you know rabbits are one of my most favorite animals. I use to have a ton of them.
As for the baths, I wouldn't recommend it, my dad has had a bad experience regarding bunnies in the tub. Basically the rabbit would be clean for it funeral. So sad.
I think that is one crazy but cute bunny.
Ok, Jennifer, now you've got me googling "how to wash a bunny".....
Some of the answers want me to knock on some doors and take some bunnys away from people....idiots!!!
One suggestion was a baby wipe...
He is sooo cute. My cat chews on my hair too...not sure what that is about. I love how the bunny has adapted to life at the Fun House and totally made himself at home...even with Don!!! Men are such pushovers!!!
Karla--I tried the baby wipe idea--but it seemed like the soot started smearing--so I abandonded that idea!!
Too cute! I love his little grayish ears. LOL
Can you bathe bunnies?
Great story!
The bunny sure is cute.
I have no idea about bathing them though.
Jennifer, I find bunnies cute & fluffy, but boy they sure poop alot. As for cleaning, don't follow the example of the blonde on my blog. DON'T wring the water out!
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