Now, taking a picture of five kids and three dogs has never been an easy task--but Pickle decided out of nowhere to go all "diva" on us, which made the task nearly impossible.
You know those Hollywood actresses that you hear about? The ones that are so difficult no one wants to work with them? That was Pickle today.
"Pickle--Sit in Andy's lap so we can take a picture."
"Do you want to sit by yourself?"
"Do you want a lollipop after we take the picture?"
...and so on.
We did one totally botched photo shoot that ended up with Pickle in tears and me almost in tears followed by Pickle going down for a nap. When she got up, we tried again--and although she was VERY disagreeable, she managed to smile briefly and we got "the" picture.
Before the successful shot, there was a lot of this:
And plenty of this:A little of this:
And some of that:And to make things even more difficult, there was some of this:
And lots of that:
Given all the complications, we were lucky to get such a good end result--I will share it with you closer to Christmas!
Catch you later--Don has been making me Pumpkin Pie Martinis to take the edge off the day!!
Also--tomorrow there is a holiday extravaganza on SITS and the grand prize is a $200 Target gift certificate! Go check it out!!
Last year I took nine thousand four hundred and seven pictures trying to get one good one of my two month old daughter. That's when I decided to use a multi-shot theme for our card. We'll see how it goes this year.
Can't wait to see the picture!
Sorry, I shouldn't be laughing, I know, I know. I just have to get ONE kid to quit acting like a diva and smile prettily while perched on Santa's lap, so I know I have no right to laugh.
However, we do attempt to take a picture of the entire gathered, extended family on Christmas night (animals included), which typically entails 20-24 grown-ups along with 6 (will be 8 next year!) children under the age of 6 and several dogs, cats, etc. All jammed in together in front of the tree while Dad's camera with the self-timer goes off unpredictably. Yep, we get some *high quality* shots in that photo session each year!
I can't wait to see the actual picture!! (Aren't you glad it's over with for another year, at least?)
I'm glad you finally got your picture and your Martini. That pumpkin pie martini sounds good. Have you ever had a chocolate one? I don't drink much at all but I do like martini's.
Pickle looks adorable even when she's not smiling. The expressions are so cute. It usually takes me several pics as well of Andrew before he will comply.
Have a great day!
i feel your pain!
I feel your pain! Summer did the same thing this year, and the photographer got so irrated there is actually a picture of the five of us sitting like goobers smiling, while Summer lay on the floor in front of us, head flat into the floor, having a tantrum!
Hope that martini helped!
Make mine a double...I need the edge taken off my list-to-do!!!!
I've never had a pumpkin pie martini...
But I have had many days like this one where I've wanted a strong drink at the end of it!
Can't wait to see how your card turned out!
I so know that pain. I have one less kid and no animals and our family photo was challenging. I can't wait to see the finished result.
Too funny. Glad you finally got a good one.
Oh Girl I sooo sympathize!! Last years was really bad, big Daddy even tried editing 2 together, didn't work, one child had 3 hands, LOL!!
I get to start my camera adventure tomorrow after the big 2 get haircuts!! Wish me luck!
Can't wait to see your final product!!
So with a bit of this and that, it sounds pretty normal to me... LOL
That is classic -- love the yawning dog!
What a sweet baby...even if she was a bit photographically challenged...:) I love the one of your pup, too! Bet the end result was awesome, tho
Glad you got another martini...Ha! Taking that pic of the kids is a nightmare isn't it? With just my two boys I endured more complaining than I could even handle! Ugh! Take it easy today!
Awww! Poor Pickle!! I'm glad you had a few martinis to take the edge off! :)
That is frustrating. It's like they decide right then and there that this is not happening. I can't wait to see how it turned out:-)
You should totally make a Christmas Card out of a collage of the would rock!
LOL, why oh why do the melt downs come when we really need that pic? Glad you were able to finally get one you like :0) Hmmm pumpkin martinis...wonder what a virgin one would taste like. Enjoy yours!
hahaha.....I'm glad you got THE picture!!! I know how difficult that must have been....I don't have near as many to get into a picture and it can't be done around here.....although your boys are pretty helpful I'm sure.
I can't wait to see the finished product. It sounds like Pickle and Z would be in competition for the "Drama Queen" title....I'm thinking that isn't a good thing for a little boy either...
Oooooh I love the out takes! How cute is she???
can't wait to see the finished product!
As an experienced Christmas card reader, the crying family portraits are always more fun than the smiling ones!! But I'm pretty sure I'm not on your mailing list so I'm glad you got the perfect shot. :)
Those "outtakes" are priceless!
Ha ha ha ha! I loved the outtakes. Sounds like it was quite the ordeal. I'm glad you all survived and that your hubby took good care of you with the martinis. I'm excited to see the final product - I bet it's great!
Even grouchy, I love that Pickle! I'm glad you ended up getting a good shot.
Jennifer, I'm so afraid, we haven't taken our photo yet and my little Lily just might follow in Pickles foot steps!
(There's been something in the air lately...)
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