This is a cute story--I was holding the bunny the other night while I was watching t.v.--and he started purring!!! Purring like a cat! I thought I was hearing things--but he was seriously purring.
So I Googled it and found out that bunnies do purr "when extremely happy." Awwwww!
Isn't that cool? It made me feel great to know that the bunny is happy--but also I learned an interesting new fact!
Now a few bunny pics...

Oh, what could be better than a purring bunny story? Except Pickle pics, of course. ;o)
I don't think I'll be able to visit your site tomorrow, too scared of the clown....But you and Dr. Hoppy have very pretty "coats."
I did not know that...How cute!
How Sweet!
We just got our bunny Carlos a new huge hutch, so I thought HE was the happiest bunny in the world.
I was wrong :)
And here I thought the bunny was for the kids! Your hair looks great!
That's sweet--and for some reason slightly disturbing. Even more disturbing is the fact that my husband's hair also faded to a nice shade of pink a couple years ago (after dying it bright red to make a statement at work--it's a long story). It looks MUCH better on you!
I still love your hair.
That little bunny is to cute.
I going to show Aden the pictures.
Oh my goodness, it purred?? Awwwwwwww!!!
Awe, I want a bunny! Guess my feline companion will have to do, enjoy Dr.Hoppys' purrrrrrrs~
I never knew bunnies could purr. How 'bout that?
A bunny purrs? Really? What a neat thing and no, I didn't know that either. That would have freaked me out, but oh, that's so sweet that you know your bunny is happy!
Oh how cute you both are!!! He/she does look quite happy......
My cat growled one day...I didn't know they did that either!
That is sweet that you know that your pet is happy:-) That's awesome:-)
Aww, now I want a purring bunny too!
Yes, some-bunny loves you.
That is a cute story! I also purr when extremely happy, like when my husband does the dishes or when confronted with cheesecake.
And the hair looks fab!
Love the hair AND the bunny!
Bunny photos rock. I'll forgive you. Just watch out for their huge killer teeth. I KNOW you've seen The Holy Grail.
I am seriously making my butt stay to my seat instead of going out and getting me a bunny!!!! They PURR!!! How freakin cute.
Okay, bring on the clown. I am bracing myself:#
Our bunny purrs, too... isn't that cool???
Wow! None of mine ever purred that I know of, probably did not cuddle them enough!
You are the Bunny Whisperer!
Cute bunny!! We have bunnies too.
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