First, the costumes. Pickle was a butterfly.
Actually, she had two costumes because I had bought another one, then found the butterfly which I thought was cuter. This was the original one: Scary Fairy.
Here's one more cute butterfly pic:
Gooser was--big surprise--Batman!!! But actually, it was a surprise, because he thought he was going to wear his regular old Batman costume that he wears every single day of his life, but I had secretly bought him The "Dark Knight" Batman and presented to to him on Halloween. He was SO excited!
Patrick was a fat clown. This is a cool costume that has a fan in it, so it puffs up!
And Teddy was an evil clown--all blood-splattered! You can't really tell in this pic--but I glued all kinds of bugs to his wig.
I guess the love of clowns is in the genes!!
Andy was a gorilla. Poor kid was so hot--it was a pretty mild day.
Here's a group shot.
And a group shot gone wrong.
Trick or treating action shot! I thought Pickle would just stay in the stroller,but she wanted to be in on the candy--which meant I had to walk up to every house with her (lots of steps!) and was one of the reasons I was so exhausted last night. She had a great time though and I got a workout!
Here's Gooser and his cousin posing in front of a scary display--there was a fog machine for extra scariness!
Two clowns on a rock.
Gooser and his "girlfriend." He announced the other day that he wants to marry her "when he's a grown-up."
Teddy de-clowned and with his booty.
And, because it isn't enough work running ourselves ragged all day getting the kids into their costumes and trick-or-treating, my sister and I always have a party!
It was good--we made a big pot of chili with lots of toppings: corn chips, sour cream, cheese, onions and oyster crackers. Plus we had my "famous"artichoke dip, the inevitable Lil' Smokies, fun little puffy hors d'oeuvres, cornbread muffins and chips and stuff.
Then, the piece de resistance: The Kitty Litter Cake from Noble Pig!This cake was tons of fun to make and if your kids are into grossness--I highly recommend it! I loved crumbling up the cakes and my sister and I were laughing hysterically while making the cat poo out of Tootsie Rolls! Plus it tasted great! And you have to serve it with a pooper scooper!
Oh, and let's not forget my (also "famous") punch--Halloween edition!My pumpkin ate too much of this:
And got sick!
Here's a nighttime shot:
And another creepy night picture:
I'll end on a cuter note--one more of Pickle!
And the final candy count:
Patrick--366 (he weighed his candy bag--13 pounds!!)
Wow! It looks & sounds like you all had a kickin' time. What great pics!!!
I love the costumes...please sne dthem over to get the rest of my candy!!!
Great pictures! I love Halloween!
So, have you started planning the wedding yet?
Holy cow! No wonder you were exhausted. Love all the costumes...I actually think the scary fairy costume is pretty cute too. And what a great surprise for Gooser!
Looks like everyone had a successful haul!
Wow!! That is the best Halloween recap I have seen!!! I LOVE the idea of that cake!!! Too funny!!! I will have to remember that for the future:-)
Great pics, love the kitty litter cake, its looks soo real...I might have to make that as a surprise dessert some time, just for fun, lol :0)
These are great pics! The clowns just cracked me up!
I'm so glad you made the cake, isn't it hysterical? I think it's the perfect Halloween dessert or gag cake for any reason. What's funny is how good it tastes.
Love the barfing pumpkin too! Great pics.
Wow! Trick or Treating at your house looks like a BLAST! That is one of the very reasons I wrote about you in my blog...go check it out.
I can't believe how much candy you all got!! The costumes are so son was a sumo wrestler that had the fan to inflate it too. Your pumpkins are hilarious..i wish i could do that!!
Holy crap. That is alot of candy! You are such a great mom, and I bet you are creating the worlds best memories.
You always have the best pictures! everyone looked super cute!!
That is alot of candy! Love all the pictures -- your little girl is just to cute.
Now for that cake -- I'm going to have to make that one.
Holy samolean, 13 pounds of candy! That is obscene! Pickle looks so cute. In both of her costumes.
Love the costumes!!! Especially Pickle's butterfly! So sweet!
My pumpkin puked too!
Ok, the cake...cute but gotta say was kinda disgusted by the fake cat crap.
Your kids are adorable. Love the Gooser name.
My boy says he's never getting married and he's gonna live here forever.
I love the look on Gooser's face when posing with his cousin.
Oh, the drama!
And I love puking pumpkins!
The lit pumpkins are cool...
I cannot imagine who ever thought up a kittly litter cake!
Pickle would be adorable in a potato sack! Seriously! That is one cute butterfly.
Yay, I got my Pickle fix! She was a beautiful butterfly. All of the costumes were awesome! My BFF made that cat litter cake once, I could NOT eat it! It was way too realistic-looking, lol! I'm glad y'all had a good Halloween.
I am SO copying your Halloween next year! Pumpkin barf--what a classic!
Wow....all of their costumes looked great! Those were some great...and disgusting pics!!! :) I've seen those kitty litter cakes before....and since I actually clean out a litter box everyday...I just can't bring myself to eat those cakes. :)
Looks like you guys had a great Halloween! The costumes were awesome & I loved the litter cake! Too funny!
Awwwww ... they were all so cute, especially Pickle !!!
Looks like y'all had so much fun!
We made the frozen hands for punch last year. I forgot all about it this year. Dang!
OMG! I just love that pumpkin!!!! I wonder what my girls would think if we carved a pumpkin like that. (they'd probably cry)
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