By popular request, I give you my giant six foot tall clown painting:

Totally not worth the wait, right?? But it's kind of cool. Here's a close-up:

To recap--I bought this painting about a million years ago in a hospital thrift store. It used to hang in a children's hospital but was taken down because it "scared the children." They also told me it was by a famous artist--but I Googled the artist's name tonight and it didn't come up with anything.
I've had this wrapped up for close to twenty years--but it's kind of fun to see it again! So the big question is--should I hang it back up (if I can find a big enough space that is)??
And you know what else? I actually have
more clown paintings squirreled away in my basement. One of them is a really creepy clown--way too scary for
Candid Carrie so I won't show it today! But please join Carrie and her Friday Foto Phun!!
Yay! The clown pic! I think he is really cool! I would totally put it up somewhere.
It's kind of creepy. I can see why it scared the children.
I don't think I would put it in a children's hospital looks like the clown knows something that maybe they do not!
Which is why it intrigues me...I like it! We have downsized recetly and I have tons of things that just don't quite fit into the look of this home now...but I don't want to part with them!
Come by for my fiesta foto and Caption This contest where 275 entrecard credits are up for grabs.
i LOVE the clown jen! omg, i want it, lol! you should definitely hang it up. he looks so sad but gentle still.
That is a creepy clown!
Clowns normally don't scare me, but that one
I don't like clowns...Remember Poltragise when the clown pulls the boy under the bed...yeah, that is why I don't like them...but this one is so sad.
I can totally see why it scared the children. It has a dark look to it.
How fun, though, that you have a giant clown painting! Not too many people can say that
It is kind of scary, definitely not for a childrens hospital. It is big!
Wowza,woman- that painting is HUGE! But, very cool. I'd hang it up! :)
Happy Friday & have a great weekend!
O H M Y G A W D !
You must hang it, you have to hang it, it is a CRIME not to hang it.
I want to see a picture of where you hang it.
Woo Hoo! We got to see the clown! Yep, it was worth it.
But ummm, I can see why it would scare the kids.
Wow. I thought I would be scared, but I love it! It's beautiful! Beautiful! OMG. I love it.
Thanks for showing us, but I am with Jo Jo. That movie ruined clowns for me. There is no way I would hang it up. Does is scare Pickle??
Clowns freak me out. Yes, i am one of those people... LOL
Happy FFF!
As long as the eyes don't follow you everywhere you go I say the portrait must be hung. I could decorate an entire room around that thing! It isn't creepy like the one on your blog, it is sad.
I see a more of a self portrait of a sad clown and to me the blackness represents a portion of his life that he struggles with, perhaps hoping to overcome someday. I believe the amount of the clown that is shown actually represents how much progress he has made. Perhaps hiding behind make up is what actually empowered the man to take on a seperate persona.
Now after creepy comment, I'll just scoot out of here ;)
Wow, your weren't kidding, thats huge! Good luck finding room for it, but I say display it. Im not bugged by clowns, think there kinda cute, lol. I think I had clown stuff in my room as a baby maybe thats why :0)
It is a bit scary. But interesting. Hidden depths and all that. I say put it up.
that's awesome!! my sister would phreak out!! she's scared opf clowns....what a chicke ;)
Wow! That's some painting! I'm not a big clown fan myself. But that is pretty fab. Hang It Up!
Wow! That is huuuuuge! Looks like he's had a bad day!
That is a big painting!
But I vote for you to hang it somewhere. I kinda like it... not as scary as I thought it might be...
I would love to see where you are able to hang this large portrait. It is kinda cool, though.
my gosh, girly, you are so talented!
I'd put it up. That thing is cool. Scary but cool :)
Ok, that's a cool looking clown....but you know who it reminds me of?
Ok,don't hate me.......Boy George!!!
Can you see the resemblance a little???? Maybe its just me.....
Oh geez, it's huge. It's scary but melancholy. It would be awesome if it was the first thing people saw as they entered your house, they would be so confused!
That thing is huge...and a bit creepy.
That wasn't so bad! I didn't jump or anything! How old were you when you started liking clowns? My best friend loves clowns too, I was just curious.
You should definitely hang it up!
Hello. And Bye.
HHeeeyyy,,, i know about this painting,almost 20 years back when i was practicing to paint clown faces in oil painting i bought the reference book entitled "clowns" i remember this painting was signed as leon frank, but i'm not 100% sure that it was artist's name or publisher's that book it was printed in black & white ....and i painted it :-))
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