Noooooooo! Ohmygodnooooooooo! No! No! No!
Then I instructed Don to please microwave her some bacon (gross, I know--but she was seriously in withdrawal).
"We're losing her!" I shouted. "We need that bacon, STAT!!"

Why thank you!
Noooooooo! Ohmygodnooooooooo! No! No! No!
Then I instructed Don to please microwave her some bacon (gross, I know--but she was seriously in withdrawal).
"We're losing her!" I shouted. "We need that bacon, STAT!!"
Why thank you!
I have to agree. Bacon is some good stuff.
My 3yo loves bacon too, cant have a bacon and egg mcmuffin to myself anymore
I see those kind of melt downs here. My 2 year old loves to just fall on the floor with them. Much Love she still cute even when she is having a melt down.
Come on, Jen. Admit it, you warmed up a Beggin' Strip, didn't you!
Pickle loves her some bacon! The smile in the last pic is great!
Pickle is a pistol!
Oh it breaks my heart to see her so sad. I would have to keep bacon ready all the time to avoid the breakdown.
What about the ready to eat bacon? Maybe that would work better.
Oh, I've seen that face before .. it can be utterly terrifying first hand. Though, I can say I've never had one meltdown over bacon before :o) Skittles, maybe...
Riley had a ice cream melt down the other night....I feel your pain and relief!
I tagged you with a little meme over on my page. Hope you will join in on the fun!
Oh, I love it!! I love stories told in pictures, and those pictures are worth about 2 jillion words.
(I just heard Emily Elizabeth say to Clifford in my head, "You want to hear a Pickle story, don't you?" I know it's really a "Speckle" story. But I don't question the voices in my head.)
OMG...Carrie stole my line! That's what I get for being a late sleeper today.... I looked like that earlier because my Hubby wanted me to get out of bed!
She is beautiful whether or not she is having a melt down or not!
I thought that I was the only one who threw fits when faced with a morning without bacon!
LOL !!!
I'm going through a serious bacon withdrawal, right now. I would eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could.
But I really, really need to get back onto the weightloss band waggon, that I sort of fell off.
So, bacon only once a week, for our Sunday morning brunch.
It's hard, very hard and I totally feel Pickle's pain!!!
HAHAHA! Wow, that scene looks really familiar....only I have a dark haired little boy throwing the fit!!!!
My husband gets pretty much the same way when I try to deny him the greasy goodness of bacon.
Well, I would do the same thing! The poor thing! I love her, she's my kind of girl.
That is a girl after my heart. It looks just like me on Sunday mornings if there is no bacon.
Come by in the morning I left you a little something!
So, I may be a little slow...did you withhold the bacon to see what she would do (you know blog fodder?!) or did you make Don run out and get some bacon?!
Does she eat bacon everyday? She cracks me up!
LOL Kelly--Don makes breakfast for the kids on weekends--and it usually involves bacon. But this w/e he wasn't feeling well and I told him not to make a big production out of breakfast and not to make bacon--then she freaked!
Mmmm....bacon! I have that same reaction when I'm told we have no more coca-cola in the house!
Cutest post EVER!
Ya know, bacon is good. Really.
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