I'm really upset because the bunny died. In addition to being upset, I'm feeling a tremendous amount of guilt. I can't pinpoint anything I did wrong--as I said, I had bottle fed a few bunnies and they all thrived. This one seemed to be doing fine--she ate really well yesterday and looked very healthy, but when I woke up this morning, she didn't look good. I tried a few things like warming her up, but something was just really wrong. I called our vet but they don't take care of wild animals.
Anyway, despite my efforts, she didn't make it.
The one thing I'm wondering about is, right after we first brought her home she lapsed into this weird little episode--almost like a seizure or something where she kind of went limp for a few minutes--but then she came out of it. I wonder if maybe she had been hurt by some of those kids outside the school?
In any case, I still feel guilty and horrible. I hope it's nothing I did or didn't do.
Ugh. Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer today.

I am so sorry...Jennifer! That is very sad news and I know you must be devastated. I hope your children aren't too upset. You tried to do a wonderful thing and I am sorry it ended this way!
Be very good to yourself this weekend! :)
Oh, that is so sad. Bunny Dumpling was such an adorable handful of cuteness.
I just read that less than 10% of rescued baby rabbits survive more than a week. Bunny Dumpling's passing was most definitely not because of you! What you did was make the last part of his little life far more comfortable and less scary than it would otherwise have been.
It could have been hurt before you ever got to rescue it. It was away from it's mom..so something must have happened. I'm sorry hun...little dumpling was such a cutie..*hugs*
So sorry to hear about the bunny! I know you didn't do anything wrong you were bery loving to that little guy. Much Love To You!
I know this does not make you feel any better, but i got a bunny from the "wild" too, and it only lived about a week. (bunny foo foo). once they are touched by human hands, the mother won't touch them anymore and that bunny may have been too young. ok, obviously, i am no expert, i'm just trying to make you feel better. im sorry!
Oh, Jennifer! I'm sorry. I seriously doubt it was anything you did or didn't do. You are probably correct.....it was probably traumatized by its episode with the kids. Poor little bunny. Don't beat yourself up about it. The last thing that little bunny is gonna remember is an angel picking it up and saving it.
Thank you Everybody! You are all so sweet. I'm still feeling awful about this. I couldn't fall asleep last night b/c I kept playing everything over in my head. Like I said--those other bunnies I had did SO well. *sigh*
So sorry to hear about Bunny Dumpling! We were all pulling for her.
Just know that you did the best that you could. She probably came to you with some injuries and definitely some shock.
Aw, that is sad news! So sorry to hear about Bunny Dumpling. You know you did what you could for her, its just sad that it ended this way :(
OMG I'm sorry. Maybe she had something wrong with her which is why she was separated from the mother. Maybe it was you who made her last few days comfortable. Don't be hard on yourself!
Hey kiddo you tried your best...Feel good about giving the bunny alot of love even for a little while.
That stinks! I am sure you did everything right. Sweet little Bunny Dumpling.
:( Poor bunny dumpling...don't be so hard on yourself; you did everything you could!
at least you tried, even the experts loose some
I'm so sad for you! But you did more than most would have! You gave it a real good effort!
i hate to hear that. i'm sure you did every thing you could.
I'm sorry about the bunny. I bet she did get hurt prior to you finding her.
I am sure you knew this, but bunnies are terrible nervous creatures and it is surely possible that those little buggers literally scared her to death; I am so sorry to hear this, though!
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