Yesterday was Pickle's second birthday (sob!) and I first thing I heard when I woke up was Gooser (over the monitor) singing Happy Birthday to her.
When I brought the two little ones downstairs, I found that my three big boys had gone down early and decorated the house for Pickle! They hung up streamers and balloons and signs:

This was Gooser's contribution LOL:

And Teddy had made her some BACON! Talk about the perfect way to start her birthday!

And they had some little gifts wrapped for her to open. The younger ones found stuff around the house and wrapped it and Andy had bought her a couple of things from his high school bookstore (CUTE!!).
Moments like this make me so proud of my kids!!
Happy Friday and don't forget to join Candid Carrie for some Phreaky Foto Phun!!
P.S. My pal, Ronda, is having a cool Bonnie Hunt giveaway on her blog. Check it out!!
That is the sweetest thing I have heard in a while!! Waking up to a Happy Birthday serenade to your child...that's the best!
How sweet! The guys did a great job & I hope Pickle had a wonderful birthday!
How amazing - your kids are just fab - how thoughtful and sweet ...
And done without any thought of 'what's in it for me' ...I love that
Found you from DEE down under Aussie Adventure site.
Have a great weekend le
Oh Jen- that was so sweet of your boys! I hope missy had a wonderful birthday! I'll be on the lookout for some pics. :)
Pickle is definitely the princess around there. How sweet of the boys to do all that for her!
She is to cute -- Love those big blue eyes! Thanks for sharing -- Much Love --
Those kids of yours are so sweet!
So sweet of the boys!
Happy belated b-day Pickle
You should be proud! It is a great reflection on what a wonderful mother you are!
What a wonderful start of the birthday for you girls!!
What wonderful brothers...she is so cute and I hope you have a wonderful party!!!I can't wait to see her dress....
It's those moments that do make you proud, and to see that your kids are growing up and on their own without prompting, thinking of others, and showing their love. HOW COOL!
Aww! What sweeties you have! I love that!!!!
Every time I eta bacon I think of that chocolate; is this a problem? I love that you have such great, thoughtful kids; so neat to see!
OMG. That is the sweetest. thing. EVER!
What thoughtful boys you have! Hope Pickle enjoyed her birthday bacon :)
Oh you must be such a good mother for them to have done this! I love it!
That is so SWEET. You have good boys!
Your family is just awsome in every way!
And! Bacon and gifts first thing in the morning? Can I come live with you?
Aw, what a bunch of sweeties you have..
Awww, I can see why you are proud, that your family thought of Pickle and did something sweet for her. It takes thinking about someone else for your sons to do this and what an important and wonderful thing to learn in life. Shows what great parents they have!
AWE Already two, my youngest will be in about 2 wks.
Happy Fx4!
Thats sweet. TFS. and Happy Birthday to her!!
Bacon+streamers+older brothers doting on you = one great birthday!!
Your boys are too sweet!!
So So Sweet! She has got a BUNCH of protectors with all of those brothers. I pity the boy that asks her to go on her first date. That will be a lot of men to have to go through!!!
You've done good in the way that you have brought up your kids!!!
It shows in the way they care for their litle siste. So cute :-)
Hope Pickle had a wonderful day!!
You can be real proud of what you have taught your boys - what great brothers!
SO sweet! I'm proud of your kids, too!
I hope she had a wonderful surely sounds like she did! :o)
That is so sweet!
You know.....if your family was on guys would be WAAAAAAY better than The Brady Bunch!!! :)
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