I decided to take Pickle to American Girl Place for her birthday lunch. She is doll crazy so I knew it would be right up her alley. We met my sister and her son there. Pickle brought some of her dolls and they got to sit in their own little highchairs!

Actually--the one on the left is my doll. I wanted to bring a doll too!-- well,other than Pickle. Believe it or not, this was my absolute favorite doll when I was little--Baby Happy. This isn't my original doll--she's long gone--but I got this "replacement" on eBay. I guess she's kind of scary! She has some kind of lazy eyelid thing going on.

She looks like something from the Twilight Zone that might rise up and kill us all in the night. My sister said she was "Chuckie-esque." But anyway, she was having lunch with us.
Pickle was very happy because she got a "big girl" cup to drink from. She's kind of anti "kid cup."

She even shared her cup with her doll.

The food is very fun here! First, they brought out cinnamon rolls. We ate them like animals and by the time I remembered to take a pic, there was only half a roll left...

Here's Pickle enjoying one. She's using the "two fork" method for extra efficiency!

Then they brought out a platter with fruit, vegetables and some soft pretzels. Very good!

I ordered quiche for an entree which was really interesting because it had dried cranberries in it. I loved it!

Pickle got the "picnic" lunch which included a little hot dog, a tiny hamburger and some macaroni and cheese.

There are lots of pink flowers at the American Girl Place--on the table...

...and on the light fixtures.

Then came the really fun part--the cake!

My doll looks especially creepy there, doesn't she?
A big group sang Happy Birthday to Pickle.

Then they gave out goodie bags:

Here's a piece of the cake with the cute little flower pot ice cream.

Pickle LOVED the ice cream!

Then came the best part--doll shopping! Actually, we didn't buy any dolls, but I bought Pickle the cutest pair of pajamas and slippers and a matching set for her "Bitty Baby."
Is there anything cuter than little girl/doll matching outfits??
Pickle says:

"American Girl is the best place on Earth!!"
Oh...you don't disappoint...she looked lovely!! My daughter is 25 but I still love it when she let's me take her shopping. We have the best time and I know you did too! Enjoy it Mama...it flies!
Why is it that so many dolls look Chucky-esque? I think that's one reason I didn't like my dollys as a child! Loved all your snaps, though, and happy b-day to Pickle! BTW, if ya thought my Friday Foto was Funny, you should check out the Silly Sunday Sweepstakes tomorrow. We'll be Sharing that Caption Love, ya know!
Great photos!!! felt as like I was there !!
Those flowerpot icecreams looked really neat. It's given me an idea for future birthday parties and just parties !! Heck, even for non-party days!!
We don't have an American Girl Place here :-( We only just got one of those 'Stuff A Bear' places (or whatever they're called). For supposadly being a City, we're a bit behind the times!
I love Pickles hat and her pj's are so precious. Your doll is scary looking. (laughing) I love this story - if you go back - take pics of other dolls - I'd love to see if any of mine or my sisters old dolls are still around. The flower decorations are a neat idea on the fixture, etc. and the ice cream was a very cool idea. Is the ice cream pot real or plastic? I'd like to try that idea.
You are so lucky to be near that place! We have Molly and Bitty Baby. I love the picture of your doll with the cake.
Have you checked into vision therapy for Baby Happy? Maybe you can find something local that could help her lazy eye syndrome.
I want a little girl! I want to go there to eat! WHAAA!
That last pic of her is just crazy cute!
How sweet that you brought her there. It's like a little girl's "tea" but with more things to choose from.
I still have a doll that my grandmother made for me. She stays at my parents' home, as my Mom couldn't bare to see her go.
What a fun day! Where do u live that you have an American doll place like that? I have never seen one.
That is so sweet to see her enjoying a picnic with her babies. I love that she uses only big cups...
That might be the cutest story every! I love that the party attendees were all dolls. That lazy eye doll is a little freaky, though. I am so excited for my little one to be big enough to do this sort of stuff!
That looks like one great party!
OMG it is so not fair to not be a kid these days! That place rocks! The dolls are hilariously scary in their chairs but dang what a fun place! What a memory.
Oh, what a fun day for you and Pickle! So cute!
That sounds like so much fun.You can see in those beautiful blue eyes that she had a great time. Thanks for sharing -- Much Love --
What a beautiful birthday lunch! Memories to treasure forever.
That looks that heaven!! I have been tossing the idea around about having my youngest party at a place called Megan's Teahouse. You may have cliched the deal.
Oooh, loves me some American Girl. But the only thing Emily's ever done with her Bitty Baby is teach her how to play Gameboy. [sigh]
Adorable pictures!
What a cool idea for a little princess birthday!! Also, I am so jealous you live close to an American Girl store!!
It looks like Pickle had so much fun! What a great idea for her birthday... you're the best mom!
Oh......I LOVE it!!!! That place looks awesome! What fun for you all.....love the matching jammies for Pickle and her baby.... :)
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