I wrote recently about my ordeal with one of my dumb dogs, Hazel, and she was up to her old tricks again today. If you don't feel like reading my past account--let me just sum up that it involved rat poison, life and death scenarios and thousands of dollars in vet bills.
So early this morning I had just stumbled downstairs and let the dogs into the yard. I was going through my early morning routine--getting the kids breakfast, packing their lunches, etc. As I waited for my coffee to brew I gazed out the window and happened to notice that Hazel was eating something out there.
Now I'm paranoid, given her past history of poison consumption, so I ran outside to see what she was up to. Just as I got out there, one of our other dogs, Petey, was getting in on the action and eating it too. They had already eaten whatever it was but I thought I saw a flash of something bright green and that had me worried because I have learned the hard way that rodent poisons (or "rodenticide" to us pros) are bright green. Hazel quickly ate that speck of green and I sent them inside and searched around the grass for any more clues. I found another little nugget of bright green and, upon closer inspection, was almost positive it was this stupid rodenticide. I put my specimen in a Ziploc bag and continued with my the routine until the vet's office opened and I could call.
The thing about this poison is that it's slow-acting. You don't suddenly become sick--it slowly removes the vitamin K from your blood so the blood stops clotting and you eventually bleed to death. Nice!
I put Pickle down for a nap and called, hoping they could just give me some vitamin K and we could call it a day--but no--they said I had to bring the dogs in immediately, which meant I had to get Pickle up from the nap I had just put her down for.
Did I mention it was pouring rain?
Now I had to wrangle a tired toddler and two hyper, poison-riddled dogs into the car in the rain--and then out again on a busy street.
I was greeted at the vet's office by a waiting room covered in dog-doo. An apologetic woman was trying to block people from stepping in it while trying to control her out-of-control dog. Just picture me--soaking wet--holding Pickle (who wanted to get down but I couldn't let her because of the dog-doo) while my dummy dogs wrapped their leashes around my legs.
Finally the mess was cleaned up and we went into the examining room where I explained what happened and produced my evidence in the Ziploc. The vet said she wanted me to leave the dogs so she could examine them and then she was going to induce them to throw up (ew) so she could check the vomit or whatever. I was barely listening because I kept thinking OMG this is going to cost thousands.
Later the vet called with the "vomit report" and said that Hazel's puke was loaded with the bright green stuff, but Petey's wasn't. She recommended that they both be put on vitamin K (for three weeks!). This was what I wanted to do in the first place!!
She went on to say that they didn't have the right kind of vitamin K but she would call my prescription into Walgreen's (?). Can you get dog medicine there? I guess so!
So back out into the rain for the dog prescription. I made the mistake of thinking dog vitamins at Walgreen's wouldn't cost too much. Get this: Hazels pills--$124 and Petey's pills--$188!! FOR DOG VITAMINS! I don't spend this much on all of Patrick's asthma medications. I felt sick paying for it.
Then back into the rain again, this time to pick up the dogs. Shelled out more money to the vet--reinforcing what I always tell the kids--which is: if you want to be a millionaire, be a veterinarian.
So I hope the dogs will be ok. The real mystery is where this poison is coming from--we certainly aren't putting it there. The only thing I can think of is that others are putting it out and maybe small animals or birds are dropping in in our yard? I don't know. All I know is that it's putting us in the Poor House.
The one bright spot in my day--I made a recipe from Cathy of Noble Pig--Baked Shrimp with Fennel and Feta and it was delicious! Here are a couple of pics:

What a nightmare!! I sure hope your dogs will be ok.
Oh, Jennifer, I realy feel for you. Do they squeeze vitamin k from gold dust or something???? Yikes.
Can people throw that stuff over your fence??? Use a pea shooter maybe? I hope you find where its coming from.
That's horrible, both for he dogs and your pocketbook !! It sounds as though the dogs are going to be okay, though.
Could a neigbour have been using the stuff and it accidently got transferred over into your yard ? Or do you think it could have been deliberately put there? Might be a good idea to ask round and see if there have been any other similar incidents.
It's rather scary, not just for the dogs, but also because you have a young child...
I've seen the poison that you are talking about. We have it at the office for rats. After Katrina the rats in the airport land behind the office came out in droves. We need the poison for a couple of months before the issue was handled. (Don't ask me where I once saw a rat at the office!)
I've heard of neighbors throwing that type of poison in the backyard to get rid of a noisy animal (and I've also heard that those same neighbors were arrested for such actions of trying to harm an animal).
Sounds like you'll be inspecting your yard before you let the dogs out until you can find the culprit or reason!
I'm so sorry you went through this and I hope you dogs are recovering. *hugs*
Oh no- where could that stuff be coming from? Geez, I wonder how many other animals (birds, squirrels, etc.) have digested that stuff- yikes!
I hope the Vit. K does the trick for your furbabies. Hugs.
btw- your dinner looked delicious! :)
Never a dull moment for you ...
BTW...that food looks yummy!!!
Ahhhh....you poor thing. I'm going through pet problems myself. I know how much it costs....and I don't have any EXTRA money to spare.
Bless your heart! Are Hazel and Petey trying to have their own version of a Restaurant Adventure?
Lord I would of freak out! My dog always makes me nervous because he gets into everything. Hope they are ok. Thanks for sharing -- Much Love --
I think I might try talking to the neighbors and see if they were using the poison and then gently suggest, via a vet's bill, that they find an alternative.
That is awful!!!! I would be questioning the neighbors to see if they are putting out the poison or know who is. That is pretty irresponsible when it starts becoming unsafe for other animals it wasn't intended to be used on. And for children as well.....
Just wanted to let you know that I just found your blog and I am really enjoying it! I hope that your dogs are ok and that you will come by and visit mine whenever you have a chance :)
That's awful! I hope you don't have any more doggy troubles for a long time. And that you can find out where the poison is coming from!
Bummer to hear about your dogs - I wonder where the rodenticide is coming from?? Have you asked your neighbors?
Also - that dish does look yummy! What an interesting flavor combination.
So sorry to hear about your dogs! I would be getting very upset by now! Glad they're going to be alright!
Urghh! What a day!
Not to add to your worry, but I would definitely check around the neighborhood to see if anyone else has had similar things happen. People can be crazy!!
Wow, that sounds like an excrutiatingly annoying morning!!! At least now the dogs are safe and you're back home... that waiting room scene sounds horrid!
OMG not again! Ugh, that's the worst right?
But the dinner, I'm so glad you made it. I swear right now I am obsessed with Feta cheese. Just today I bought another giant block of French Feta...I have no self-control.
Yikes! It scares me that it's just appearing in the yard. I'm glad the dogs are ok!
Are you sure the neighbors don't have a grudge of some kind. I just find it really weird that this is the 2nd time it has appeared out of nowhere. You hear on the news sometimes of people doing this to neighbors dogs...Sad and mean, but true!
I am sooo sorry for all of the heartache. I am a HUGE animal lover too, and have had many a days where I had to pay huge vet bills. One time our cat ate part of a foam bath toy. She lost weight and vomited, got put on I.V's, had x-rays, and it wasn't until the vet did exploratory surgury that they found out what the problem was! $900 later! My husband about died...and I felt sick!
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