I took Pickle along with me. She seems to have a strange fascination with all things macabre. I thought maybe we could find a cute costume for her--a kitty or a fairy--but she just wanted to look at the weird ghouls and monsters on display around the store. She would point with glee to a zombie bride dragging itself across the floor and clap when she spotted a moaning corpse. She's...different!
I managed to find a cute pink leopard costume for her, but discovered the little hat/ears part was missing, so that was a bust. Gooser wants to be Batman this year--that was an easy one to find, though the trick now is to keep him from wearing it out before Halloween. Last year, the original Spiderman costume I ordered for him was in tatters by Halloween and I had to buy another one!
Anyway, Pickle wouldn't stop asking to see the creepy creatures. There was a zombie baby that she particularly loved, so I let her hold it while I browsed the costumes. Then I decided to just buy the zombie baby. I LOVE decorating for Halloween and we do a pretty elaborate graveyard display in our yard and a weird set-up on the dining room table. I add to our collection every year with a couple of zombies or skeletons--and the zombie baby was right up my alley!
Pickle cried when we left the Halloween store--she loved it in there!--so I let her hold the zombie in the car. I had been driving for awhile and forgotten all about it--so you can imagine my surprise when I looked in the rear view mirror to check on Pickle and see her sweet face and instead saw this looking back at me:
OMG--I almost drove off the road!
So that is the newest addition to our strange little ghoulish collection. I think he will fit right in! Pickle loves him:

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...I don't think any of my children at that age would have been that brave!
My daughter, however loves Halloween...she and her Dad (the Hubby) would spend hours and hours decorating the yard with Disney Haunted Mansion like Headstones...with stupid sayings...Here lies Ned 'cause a rock fell on his head! They would have days and days of fun. I really do miss that!
That's too funny. I almost choked on my piece of toast, when I scrolled down to that photo! What a sight in your rear vision mirror!! :-)
I have definitely caugh the American bug for decorating at the holidays !!
I would run the other way! I can't believe she is not scared of that ugly little thing. But, it is kind of cute in a freaky kind of way. LOL Much Love!
Aaaahhh! I'm speechless! ( 8O
I thought about Gooser the other day -- there's a little boy in my son's gymnastics class who always wears his Spiderman outfit to class. So cute!
Oh my gosh! Pickle is a gal after my own heart!
I have a nephew who is the same way... he loves loves loves Halloween... and the scarier the better! And he is only 4. He, too, enjoys going to those Halloween stores. We have one here called Halloween Spirit... I think they know my nephew by name, for all the times he has visited!
It's so funny what kids latch on to. I love Halloween and was just going through a costume catalog this morning wondering what to dress my little one up as. I love this stuff!
OMG I need the zombie baby, it's so crude and gross, I love it. Halloween, bring it on.
OMG that thing is hideous!!!!!!! That is one hysterical picture of her hugging it.
Oh my heck, that is hilarious! In a rather twisted and disturbing way, of course, which is right up my alley.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA......that is such a cute pic....but just wrong at the same time. Oh Pickle...she's so funny.
OMG!!!! I am laughing so hard right now! What a funny kid!!
I hope people in other cars saw the Zombie baby and freaked out! LOL
I love the Halloween stores and always love to freak my kids out with the fun things they have there.
This is hysterical!
Hysterical in a laughing way. And hysterical in a running away, screaming, yelling kind of way.
That thing freaks me out!
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