I was also thinking that as much I love visiting California (where my husband is from and I where spent my ill-fated 4th grade year) I don't think I could live there because I'd miss the changing seasons too much. Each season brings with it a new excitement for me--and I always look forward to the changes.
That fleeting "smell" of fall got me thinking about the seasons and my favorite scents of each. This is what I came up with:
Fall--The aroma of Chex Mix baking! I always make a lot of this and have it on hand as an after school snack for the kids. For some reason I like making it best in the autumn months.
--I cook the Thanksgiving dinner every year and, the night before, I do all the baking for it. I make the same thing every year (I like routines!) which includes a gingerbread cake with a brandied fruit compote. I look forward to this smell every time--it fills up my whole house and you just want to float away on a cloud of deliciousness.
Winter--I love it when you step out into the frigid night air and smell logs burning from someones fireplace (especially if it's my own!). It smells so cozy.
--The scent of the Christmas tree can't be beat--I look forward to the way my house smells for weeks after we decorate the tree.
Spring--I love the smell of my peonies when they bloom in early spring. They are so short-lived so I drink in the scent while I can.
Summer--Walking outside in the morning to the smell of freshly-cut grass.
--The smell of coconut-scented suntan oil. It always reminds me of long summer days spent at the beach.
And scents I love year-round are coffee brewing and chocolate chips cookies baking.
I would love to hear what some of your favorites are!

You are so right...I am a Florida girl so for me the Spring brings Orange blossum and honey suckle..devine and of course Summer has suntan oil or sun screen. I, too bake for the fall...but it's pumpkin everything bread, pies and even cookies! Christmas... the tree...always real! My adult daughter almost had a cow when we suggested artifical.
My Hubby, like you, loves the cooler weather it signals the start of Football...he misses the seasons. We have land in Virginia, where we will build soon but my heart will always be at the sandy beaches of Florida.
I like the changing of the seasons here in Missouri too...but the winter's seem too long and sometimes I wish I was in Florida during the winter. Maybe when I'm old. Spring wreaks havoc on my sinuses, but its bringing on the summer so I like it anyway. Freshly cut grass kills my sinuses too.....but I love having a yard. I love to bake in the fall and winter....I'm like a fat bear that likes to eat and hibernate. My favorite things are chocolate chip cookies and snickerdoodles. Thanksgiving is my favorite meal too! My mom makes it every year, and like you, bakes the night before. My sister and I never let her change the menu either. Tradition!!! She can add to it, but not take away. I love to smell snow in the winter (you can smell it in the air), the fresh air in the spring as everything comes alive, the suntan oil and the pool in the summer, and pumpkin pie and apple cider in the fall!!!!
Pina colada suntan oil, pot roast in the oven, cinnamon rolls, jasmine in the garden, orange blossoms, coffee brewing, smell of wine fermentation (hey I'm a winemaker what can I say), freshly cut grass on a warm morning, the christmas tree, my favorite perfume...Light Blue by Dolce & Gabana. This was fun.
I love the fall, even though in Florida we don't have the same experiences as up North.
Fave smells...
fall-pumpkin/spice smells and fires burning
summer- coconut tanning oil
winter - cinnamony scents
Jennifer you really made a perfect list of "favorite scents"!
With Fall coming there is a particular Sycamore tree across the street that has such a wonderful scent. Because of the timing it signals Halloween to me.
Which is so fun in our neighborhood!
After reading this post I feel the need to make some chocolate chip cookies! Yum!
That is a wonderful list. I totally agree about Fall. I love the colors and the crispness in the air, breaking out the sweaters, carving pumpkins, getting together with family for Thanksgiving, love it, love it, love it!
Mmmmm...I can smell all of those across the computer screen. Great picks!
I love when you step outside and can smell the rain coming. Coffee brewing. Pumpkin pies baking on Thanksgiving morning. And during any season, a freshly bathed baby!
Wow--you guys have some good ones! It seems like most of us love the coconut suntan oil one! And how could I forget clean baby smell!!
Ahhh... I can't WAIT for fall. It's also my favorite. The sweaters, the leaves, the smell in the air, the no humidity, eating, leaving the windows in the house open, apple-picking, Halloween, eating, pumpkin-picking, the smell of cinnamon, eating, Thanksgiving... eating. Why do all my favorite things involve eating?
Living in Florida, I really, really miss the seasons...Christmas here isn't the same as Christmas up north. I mean who can get in the Christmas spirit in shorts and t-shirts?! It's really hard to get used to.
Fall is also my favorite season...I look forward to seeing all the northern bloggers pics and living vicariously through them!!
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