We have this weird patchwork cat--something that my mother-in-law gave us when she was downsizing. He sits next to the fireplace in our family room and I've never paid much attention to him--until recently.
Pickle is obsessed with him!
Every single day, she toddles down to the family room and lugs this cat (it's pretty big) to the kitchen. The kitchen is my hangout and where I am a good part of the day--and where I do my blogging. So she brings the cat to me and says "Hold."
makes me hold this cat constantly. If I try to put it down, she freaks! And let me tell you, it's not easy typing while holding this crazy cat--but that's what I do.
So if you ever wondered what my blogging/computer setup is--it's me, in the kitchen, on my laptop--holding a large quilted cat.
Now you know!

I don't know how old she is but my grand girl is 14 months and she brings lot's of things for me to hold and she comes and gets me and walks me by my finger every where! So much fun! I am sure my daughter did the same thing because it just seems like what a little girl does!
Thats cute, My 3yo loves cats, and shes always bringing me things to hold, I guess Pickle thinks it needs some lovin' too.
That cat looks like it is nearly as big as Pickle! Hard to imagine her lugging it around. Cute, though!
My baby wants me to hold him! He never brings anything else for me to hold. He is right here on me now! You little girl is so cute! Much Love!
How cute! You'll have to break out the Snugli and put the cat in it so you can have your hands free.
When I started reading the post, I thought, just tuck the cat in your lap and get on with the blogging, woman!! :-) But then I saw the last photo. That flamin' cat is neally as big as you!! You'd must be peekin' around it as you type...
I'm not going o be able to read another post of yours again, without imagining you trying to type around that cat!!! Too funny :-)
LOL--the cat is in my lap at this moment! Maybe I should get a Snugli for him?
Too cute! Not a cat person (not even the stuffed variety), but your little girl lugging around a kitty just about the same size as her is too adorable.
Thanks for stopping by my blog - come back soon ;)
Wow-that IS a big cat! Maybe I am glad I have to blog at work because Owen might spy something I HAVE to hold, too! Thanks for hte kind words on my blog today and yesterday; and please know that I know that my Eli's actions are a cry for attnetion of some kind, but I have exhausted all of my effots; you can't help someone who doesn't think they need or want help.
My blogging is done mostly with my kids saying hold...but they mean for me to hold them!
That is too funny. Kids do the weirdest things.....
So tell me about that profile picture.....
Karla--my profile pic is my boyfriend, Gerard Way. That's his new hair color--I love it!!
That is so cute! I love the colors. She knows kitties should be on laps so that's what she exspects!
Ahhh...ok. I'm sooo out of the loop.
Pickle is so funny...don't you wish you had a baby-to-adult translator at times like this?!
How cute!
Oooh, love the MAC!
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