I made the mistake of buying the new fall/Halloween edition. I'm a sucker for both and I was lured in by the cool pumpkin-clock-face on the cover. As expected, I wanted to make everything I saw. A concord grape tart (with the pastry cut out to look like a bunch of grapes!), black light Halloween decorations, marzipan pumpkins, Moroccan lambs shanks...I didn't know where to start!
But then I saw "Stuffed Pumpkin Stew" and I knew I had to make it. Right NOW!! Get this--it's a stew of fall vegetables and chicken and you cook and serve it in a pumpkin! It looked so delicious and fall-like--I couldn't wait to start!
It called for something called a "cheese pumpkin." Sorry, Martha, but I'm not well-versed enough in pumpkins to have a clue what that means. And something tells me if I had set out on a mission to find a cheese pumpkin, I would have come back empty handed. So I got a regular old pumpkin, but kind of a short, wide one so it would hold the stew nicely. Then I had to buy about ten million vegetables. Look at this!
So first you cut the top of the pumpkin off like you would for a jack-o-lantern. Then you take out all the goop and seeds. Then you rub that baby down and bake the pumpkin and the top in the oven for an hour.
Then there's all sorts of fancy maneuvers with boiling water and ice water baths. Here are my peas resting in ice water:
Then you have to chop the ten million vegetables and roast them with olive oil.
Meanwhile, you have to prepare the chicken. Oh,and I forgot about sauteing the apples!
When everything is roasted you put it all inside the pumpkin with some chicken stock and bake the whole thing. Check it out:In Martha Stewart's pic you probably wouldn't see the yucky baking sheet or the pile of text books in the background--but still! Doesn't it look delicious and the perfect thing to serve for a fall dinner??
Here it is on the plate. Martha actually slices the pumpkin and serves it on the plate, but I found that when you scooped out the stew it was easier to just scoop out some pumpkin. And my "generic" pumpkin tasted just fine!
One more thing--a fun blog called The Cutting Edge of Ordinary is having a cool giveaway--a baking book and some other treats. Check it out!

Good Job Miss Martha! Look at you go! I think my husband would take my temperature if I served something like this - he knows I would not go through the trouble just for him!
I think Martha would be so proud of you for this one...it looks yummy and has all my favorites!!! I might just buy this month's magazine...I had to stop the subscription because I wasn't getting anything done that wasn't on HER calender! TEE HEE
I would love the recipe but I will just buy the magazine for this month. Thanks...I love veggies!!!
That looks mighty tasty!! WTG!
I'm a Martha freak- we would get along well, Jen- ;D
looks yummy!
LOL" inspiring and depressing all at once".
I think that too, but I never motivate to actual DO it - good for you!
I saw that pumpkin stew. Was it worth the effort? Her magazine in beautiful, but I'm always too chicken to try any of the stuff.
Oh My Gosh! I LOVE it! I usually do a Christmas or Thanksgiving gathering. I'm SOO going to have to try my hand at it. If you could send me the recipe, I'd be grateful! So cool and I love the pictures that you took to go along with the post.
Oh my gosh! That looks fabulous! I wish I could do it...but I am no cook. But oh my!
Oh-mah-gosh. That's what we're having for supper tonight, right? What time should I be at your house?
That looks delicious. I think I might have to run out and get that mag.
Thanks for posting!
That looks so awesome! I love Martha Stewart's magazine. I rarely actually do anything in it, but a girl can dream, right?
Great job, Martha!! I get her magazine delivered to my house so, I am plagued monthly with her wisdom.
Thanks Girly, now I'm hungry. I love Martha. My big sis calls me Martha on Prozac. I guess that means I'm much more creative?
Oh, that looks so good. I'm a big fan of baking using pumpkin. I think I might have to go out and buy this issue for that recipe, though if you want to type out the recipe, I for one, would be grateful. :-)
Wow..you go girl! I think you qualify as a Martha now!
Looks good and fun! My kids would never eat all thoses vegtables though, and my feeling would get hurt after all the hard work, and then I would not act like Martha yelling at them....
I bet it tasted fabulous! You are better then me. I always want to deo everything, but never follow through! How Cool!!
Good Job -- That looks like fun, I love to cook may have to try this one out. Thanks for sharing -- Much Love --
That looked pretty difficult actually.....good job!!!! Was there enough food in that pumpkin to feed your entire brood?
I saw that recipe too! Yours looks beautiful. I desperately want to make that grape tart, wasn't it beautiful.
I am sooo impressed! Seriously, how long did that dinner take you to make? It looks absolutely delicious - you did a fantastic job!
Wow! I say the same things when my BH&G and Woman's Day come in the mail. I haven't gotten around to the "doing" part!
Yay for you! It look FAB!
Hello Martha, Sheesh. That looks good!
Whoa, look at you! A Martha-in-the-making!
Mmmm... you're making me hungry!
Thank you so much forhe birthday wishes. Just wondering where my stew is. That IS what I wished for when I blew out the candles, ya know!
Mmmmm. Looks fab. I'm going to try it out sans chicken for a pot luck Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. I hope it looks as good as yours!
: )
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