Now, I already new he was a great kid, but yesterday, his 5th grade teacher called me out of the blue just to tell me how amazing she thought he was. She said how great it was to have him in the classroom and what a good influence he is on the other kids,what a hard worker he is, etc. etc. It totally made my day! I'm going to get Patrick a special reward for getting such a glowing report from school!!
Here he is--I like this pic of Patrick and the colors look so bright!

I think he is so cute too! Don't you love it when you get good reports!
I love the name Patrick...too!! So Irish...Is that his real name?
Love his the ice looks like bubblegum!
I am sorry but getting a compliment on your children is better than the best compliment you could receive on yourself:-) I usually ride that joy train for days after that happens:-) Congratulation on yours:-) That's awesome:-)
Thats great! You must be on cloud 9. What a great teacher too.. to ring you and tell you that.
What a cutie! I have a 5th grade boy too. Isn't it great when others tell you how great you already know your kids are!
That is excellent news! I also got a call from my daughter's teacher this week telling me how great she is doing in class. I love THOSE kinds of calls, hands down.
Congrats! I think he deserves another ice cream. :-)
Oh way to go Patrick.
I think it's wonderful that his teachers acknowledged what she thought of your son! Congrats! And your son has a great smile!
WOW! Hoe often is it that the teacher calls home with a good report! WOW!
Isn't that nice when teachers do something like that..and a rare thing, so you must be proud.
my kids eat that ice can't be good????
Way to go! He has such a beautiful smile. That bright blue looks good on him.
Much Love
That's awesome! WTG Patrick!! :)
Did you cry? I think I would have lost it! So seldom do people go out of their way to share the good stuff....
What a wonderful way to end your day! Nothing like hearing your child is all you know him to be :)
So handsome too!
That's wonderful. Congrats Mom on doing a great job. Stopping in from Candid Carrie--TFS!
Yes, doesn't it just make you feel all warm & fuzzy inside when someone praises your kids?
Great. Now I just want ice cream. Cute picture. Yummy ice cream.
Awesome! Congratulations to Patrick and congratulations to the Mom who raised him! :)
That is a great pic of him!!! I just wanna pince those cheeks...which I'm sure he would not like at all....but he and they are so cute.
Way to go, Patrick!!! Great Job!!!
You should be proud!
That picture is really great! He is adorable (is that ok to call a 5th grader adorable? Maybe I should say handsome?)
What a great feeling to have the teacher call and tell you that.
He is adorable..
What a great phone call to receive!!! Thanks for stopping by!
- Jennifer
Dont ya love compliments on your babies!
I have 4 sons and a bacon eating girl too. She's 15 and still could eat her weight in bacon!
He is a VERY handsome kid! How nice to hear he is doing so well in school!!!
What a cutie! Major props to you for raising such a good egg.
That is so sweet! I love when teachers go out of their way to do things like that! Congrats Patrick, I know your Mom taught you everything you know.
That is so nice. I have only gotten 1 phone call from the school that was good...ever. Yay Patrick!
I love calls like that! I recently got a call about my 15 year old son getting in trouble for talking too much in class....but the teacher ended up bragging about what a great kid he is and how much he enjoys having him in class so it ended up a positive! lol
Isn't it great to receive a call from school just to let you know how great your child is doing? I got one of those about Hannah & at first I was thinking she was in trouble! LOL It was one of the nicest phone calls I've ever received!
Patrick sure is a cutie!
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