We were away for the weekend (and, by the way, I apologize for not making the blog-rounds--I have to catch up!) so when we got back, Teddy and I went to buy the cage stuff and got it all set up, then we went to pick up the bunny.
Pickle just about freaked out when we brought the bunny home. She was practically short-circuiting--like "Bunny in house. Does not compute!" She can NOT get enough of it! And Gooser is so cute--he drew some pictures to hang by the bunny's cage so she has something to look at.
Thanks to everyone for your help with which bunny to choose--the lop was the overwhelming favorite and I'm so glad we got that one! Her personality is super sweet and, if she's hopping around, she'll hop right up into your lap! I really think we got a really good one!
It was a little dicey for awhile, because Don had said it was okay to get the bunny, but then he started changing his tune and saying it wasn't a good idea--but then he came around again. I think he likes her!
Some more pics...Here is her cage:

She is beautiful! She does look like stuffed animal that you could just snuggle with. I know the kids were excited. Your little boy was to sweet to draw pictures for Dr. Hoppy.
Thanks for sharing!
Much Love
That bunny is gorgeous! What a fun addition to your family!
My advice is to get a good rabbit keeping book, most of what you need to know is in there.
Love the name too.
Go easy on the lettuce too, it can give them the poops
We had bunnies when we were little kids, the cages were kept in the backyard. We didn't play with them too much though, because they'd catch us with those hind claws. Your Dr. Hoppy looks SO sweet. I thought it was a stuffed animal at first. Too cute!
Is is absolutely gorgeous!
Oh my goodness gracious- is that little puff of sweetness, adorable, Jen!!
How do you ever set that baby bunny down? I'd be making myself a baby wrap. lol!! ;P
That last pic is so cute!
I've never had a pet rabbit, so I don't have any advice for ya! But I'm glad you got a good one!
She is lovely, and I really thought she was a stuffed toy at first! lol
I am so glad you got that one! She is gorgeous, and I am glad Don is coming around; I know that for my Sam, his bunny has been EXCELLENT for learning how to take care of an animal, and we have had a lot of fun with her.
Awww....Dr. Hoppy is beautiful!!!! She looks so soft..... I hope you all are having tons of fun with her.....
Oh good:-) You got the white one!! Really cute. Congratulations on the addition to your family:-)
No bunny advice, but she sure is a cute thing! Makes me wanna rush out and get one!
That has got to be the cutiest darn bunny on the block!
How CUTE!!!
I just can't stand it!
And a reminder, watch the corners of your kitchen cabinets. My bunny loved to chew on the corners. Not pretty.
"She" is too cute Jen!!!
Oh my word it is adorable! I think you should make it a Halloween costume...it's so cute!
Oh My! She is beautiful! Pickle must be on cloud 9! Pics of Pickle and the bunny please. :)
Oh man, stop with the cute animals, you are starting to break me down, I can't clean up anything else's poop around here!
Pretty bunny!!!
That first picture does make her look like a stuffed animal! She is so stinkin' cute!! I would definitely be hogging that cute little thing!!
He/she is adorable!
She is darling! We too have a bunny named Patch. My hubby was totally against the idea of a bunny & refused to let us anywhere near a pet store for the longest time. Hannah took care of that problem... she caught Patch in the animal scrambles at the county fair this summer. The hubby wasn't very impressed but Patch has been the greatest thing.... we all just adore him & have had the most fantastic time with him. He's very spoiled & the girls just love him... you & the kids are going to have a blast! Congrats!
I used to raise rabbits...tabasco sauce on your cords is supposed to prevent cord chewing. Celery is a good "neutral" treat....Give carrots sparingly...too many can be toxic to their little systems. Bunnies are easier to litter box train than a cat....Just find the corner that bunny goes in the most and put the litter pan there. To figure out if "she" is really a she pick her up, flip "her over" and if you don't see anything that says other wise (on some it's pretty easy to determine gender) press on the "parts" and if nothing pops out at you "she" is a she if not well you get the picture. :)
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