Also, we went to one of those temporary Halloween stores today and I added to my zombie/creepy collection a little bit more. Actually, we went to the Halloween store twice today--not because I wanted to, but because when we got home, Andy discovered the the gorilla costume I had just bought for him was minus a face, hand and foot. I was NOT happy! Especially because when we were checking out (the first time) I told the checkout lady I wanted to make sure the whole costume was there and she looked at the bag and told me it was all one piece. Grrrrrrr!
Anyway, we're well-stocked in zombies and severed heads and skeletal creeps. Here are some pics of what we've created:
This is our yard. I like this pic because the sunlight is making all these ghostly images in our "graveyard." Oh, and see that "body" hanging off the house at the top? That something the kids rigged up!

Also, there is a giveaway on Grosgrain and--HOLY CRAP--I want to win this dress for Pickle!! It's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!
Look at it!!!!! LOOK at it!!!!!
Can you imagine how good Pickle would look in it??
Here's the link: Grosgrain If you enter and win will you give it to Pickle? Pleeease?? Thank you!
Oh, one more thing--check out Insane Mama's Halloween contest!!

Pickle looks cute in pink and so do you!
Here I am thinking my grandson is brave and pickle is hugging a zombie!
I think your yard and hone is decorated so scary...I love that your kids just think it's cool!
The dress is too die for ...I hope you win!
I love love love your halloween decor! check out my blog, you've been tagged~ Hope you win!
Can I just say that I love that table spread? The snake coming out of the skull? Classic. I think I just fell in love a tiny bit.
OMGosh that killer clown is freaky deaky!
Pickle hugging the zombie is hilarious!
The pic of Gooser with the foot is PRICELESS!
I'm going to enter the dress giveaway... I never win anything, but if I do this dress is so Pickle, I would definitely give it to her!
Great Halloween decorations! And you are right - that dress is amazing!
After reading "World War Z" I'm scared of all zombies.
Real or not.
House is super SCARY! My favorite picture is of Gooser. I mean you should seriously put that cute kiddo in some acting classes. He cracks me up with that expression holding the foot.
And I am off to enter in the contest for the dress. And since I don't have girls I will happily forward it on to Little Miss Pickle Darling.
Love the Clown! That looks like a lot of fun setting up! Looks FUN FUN FUN
- Jennifer
The halloween decor is awesome! That pic od Miss Picle and the zombie- it looks like it's looking up at her- spoooooooky!
OMG- that dress is soooooooo Marie Antionette-ish! You must win it for Pickle- she would look so adorable. Just imagine it with her pearls, too!
Hey--thank you so much to those that said you would give that dress to Pickle if you won! That is amazingly nice of you!!!!!
I can't believe you little girl is not scared. Aden was scared of the pumpkin after we carved it. Love all your decoration -- The kids looked like they had fun with it.
Much Love
Your yard looks awesome!
I've tagged you on my blog. You can participate if you would like by posting 7 random facts about yourself and tagging 7 other people.
I just LOVE all of your Halloween stuff! Thank you for the suggestions and I am using them all! I have a giveaway over on my page come check it out if you want! It's my first!
What an awesome looking yard and table decorations. Love the photos of you and pickle hugging the zombie and that one of Gooser and thefoot is hilarious. He looks as though he's about to take a bite out of it !!
I will enter the giveaway for the dress and gladly pass it on to Pickle, if I was to win. :-)
'm just about to start making a Halloween costume for a friend's teenage daughter. It's not quite as complicated as that dress, but it does have the dreaded boning...didn't see that bit when she picked out the pattern. Workng with boning has never been my favourite sewing activity...
Gooser with the foot kills me! LOL!
Great decorations!
I'll enter for the dress & pass it on to Pickle if I win. But, I have horrible luck, so no promises!
Awesome! You guys go all out! What fun. :)
Girl, you have some serious Halloween spirit! I wish I had half the energy to do all those decorations that you do. You are officially my hero!
And the zombie is totally creepy. I wouldn't be able to sleep with that thing in front of my house.
I think we in our house are all wimps, because I would walk three blocks out of my way to avoid your house; I hate that part of halloween! But you definitly get points for enthusiasm and creativity, and yes, that dress would BE Pickle!
I want to Trick or Treat at your house! Totally awesome setup.
I have two awards for you come and pick them up!
Much Love
Yes, that is the cutest dress ever! Wow!!
Your yard looks REALLy scary!! Just great:-)
LOL, that's one SCARY yard!
Pickle hugging the zombie is priceless! "I aint scared o no zombie"
Love it!
WOW! You go all out with the decorations! It looks fantastic!
So awesome! I love that one of pickle and the monster thing, it's hilarious and gooser with the foot.
Ok...those are the best Halloween decorations EVER. Love it all. I'm so slacking in this area. I don't have anything outside yet. You have inspired and motivated me! Yay You!! LOL
Oh my gosh, you rock for sure! I LOVE Halloween stuff. We are doing all that this weekend. Gotta get a bunch of tombstones. Too fun.
OMG that dress. That is amazing. Love your house too! thanks for participating,I'll put you down for 3 entries...:)
Those pics are great!!! You really DO go all out!!! I love the pic of Pickle hugging the zombie thing an Gooser's expression is so funny....
Good luck...I hope you win the dres....I could totally see Pickle in it....
Did you when the dress? That would be perfect for her! Cool. Loved the decorations, but the clown head freaked me out a little.
Wow!! Those are some great decorations...I love the fact that Pickle is not freaked out in the least by giving some love to a ghoul. And BTW, those are ORBS and you've TOTALLY have a haunted house!!
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