Minor glitch--Don is not exactly in love with this idea! When I heard from the pet store, I immediately texted Don and asked if we could get one. He came right back with "No!"
Then I called him and he basically said it was okay,but he was less than enthusiastic. So I told him the kids and I were going to go check them out
I'm not kidding--baby bunnies are about the cutest thing on the planet! They had a few different kinds--what I would call "regular-looking" bunnies that were cute and small, something called French lops that had big floppy ears and another kind called "Lionheads" that had fluffy fur that apparently grows into a mane-like fuzziness around their heads.
Although the "regular" bunnies were cute, I was much more intrigued by the exotic ones! So now I need to decide between the Lop and the Lionhead.
The French Lop was pure white with pink eyes (there's something SO cool about the pink eyes that just can't be denied!).It was the largest one there (and I thought I wanted a really small one) and seemed to have a very docile temperament. It (apparently it's impossible to tell male from female at this age) seemed to like being held and was very cuddly. Also very cute. I would say the biggest drawback to this one is that it will get quite large!
I wish I had some pics to show you--but I didn't bring my camera. But here are some examples of that rabbit breed:

I think I'll go back tomorrow and look at them again--I'm sure they'll let me switch even though I already selected one.
So now I need your help--which one do you think is better/cuter? Thanks in advance for your help!
Oh, and,whichever we choose--we won't pick it up until Sunday because I need time to get the cage set up.

When our children were growing up...we had three white bunnies...we always brought them to the churches Easter Egg Hunt...the little toddlers loved them. They were messy!!! But, we did love them! They lived for four years...
My vote is for the Lop! There is just something about those ears!!! They are so darn cute. We've looked at bunnies a few times Shane is less than thrilled about getting one... but maybe one day!
I had 2 bunnies in high school & I loved the dwarf bunny the best because it was smaller & easier to take care of. But both are really cute!!!! Good luck in choosing a precious bunny!
Ok I pick the Lop. The other one kind of creeps me out a little. Something about the eyes.
Oh my goodness- both baby bunnies are so adorable! How are you ever going to pick??
I can't wait to see which one you decide on. :)
I would pick the lop-- the other one looks like a mice.LOL
I love the lop one it is to cute and that little face.
Much Love
I vote for the Lop! The Lion doesn't really look like a bunny to me.
We saw some of these, both kinds, at the Fair a couple of weeks ago. They're both adorable, but if that Lop is anything like the one we saw, it will get HUGE!
I think you should take some pictures of Pickle holding each one and let us base our decision on which one goes best with her.
They are both so very cute, but I like the Lops best!
I've wanted a bunny for sooooooo long and my husband keeps saying no!
Now you've done it! Once you go to the pet store...just to look...you'll have to have one. I actually don't know what my bunny is. The guy said he was a lop, but he also said it was a female. Anyway I love papa bunny, but he is so big I can't pick him up to trim his toe nails...
Bunnies are so cute. I love, love, love them. I like them both, although the lop just looks so smushable, cuddly.
I like the Lops-partly because the Lion ones look more like rodents to me, and partly because we have a Lop-she is beautiful, loves to be held and petted, and isn't really all that big. Maybe 5 lbs is all? They are SO fun, and really easy to take care of.
Funny! We went to a pumpkin patch this weekend and they had the lion bunnies for sale. $15!! But that's after they get their use out of them on Nov 1st (when the patch closes). I was very tempted!
OMG soooooo cute. I like the last photo, so adorable, they looked like stuffed animals!
That lion one does not look like a rabbit... strange...
The lop is cute, but yeah, they get big.
There is a way to tell the sex, but it involves being rude... we bred rabits as a kid, and even I could check out what sex they were.
They are both cute.....I can see the dilemma. The white lop is an albino then, huh?
I've never heard of the lionhead before...and it doesn't look like a rabbit does it....with its little ears.....
Hmmmm...can you get one of each? Don will go for that, right?
Ok, honestly I just asked Z to look at the pictures and tell me which one he liked the best.
He chose Hazel!!!! So, keep the dog!:)
OH, I just love bunnies so much there's no way I could choose just one.
How cute!
I am a purist...I like the white bunnies:-)
Well, itsounds like the consensus is overwhelmingly for thelop!
I actually went back to the pet store today tohold him again and I definitely think he is the right one! He's SO cute--I wish I could bring him home right away, but it's going to take a couple days to find the exact cage I want.
Thanks for all your help--and if anyone has more rabbit advice, please share!!
Bunnies are so stinkin cute when thye are babies. But then they get BIG, and arn't so much fun.
I definitely LOVE those Lops though!
I’ve been terrified of giant bunnies ever since I was that movie “Night of the Lepus” when I was a kid.
Not to mention “Food of the Gods.”
Oh, the CUTE!! I can't pick. I'd probably get one of each!
One of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life is my pet bunny bathing herself. She'd sit on her back legs, lick her little paws, and wipe herself off. It was so cute I could hardly stand it!
I'm a little creeped by the lion. It's almost a kitty-bunny mix. I'm voting the big, cuddly, lop.
It's a good thing you chose the lop - look at this link: http://lionheadrabbit.net/epilepsy.htm
You're reminding me of the preschool bunny! Oh, how my kids loved her.
We had a Dutch rabbit growing up. I don't remember much about him (his name was Spike) except that he liked to do laps around his cage at night. And there was one (freakish, not to be expected under normal circumstances) medical thing. But he was a sweet pet, and we loved him.
Oh, now that I am thinking about bunnies, I do remember that the preschool bunny chewed up the back of someone's sofa while she was there during school holidays ... and that my parents had a bunny for a while, until it ate the drapes. So you'll have to look out for chewing.
I'm glad you went for the lop...Lionheads are derived from Netherland Dwarves which have been known to bite and be more than a little bit temperamental.
i have a lionhead and i fell in love with her she's so sweet
i love her to death
both breeds are very docile! there are pros and cons to each rabbit. if you dont mind the size the french lop gets very cute and is a very sweet rabbit. i love them because of their looks when they get older. as with any animal with long ears you do have to be careful to keep them clear of infection and mites. i have also seen some very sweet lionheads. i myself have also been checking into this breed and asking breeders at rabbit shows about them. the only con is that these rabbits will need some kind of basic brushdown each day as they are able to get matted very easily. as they get older they will shed their back fur if they are true lionheads and eventually have a slick shorn back with the mane and skirt. good luck with your choice im sure you will be happy with either!
There is a breed called a lion lop, which is a mix of a lion head rabbit and a mini lop, they get to be about 3 pounds and have floppy ears and a main. So if you can't choose, get a mix hahaha
all of you who said lionheads were weird or look like rodents are mean!!! I like like lops but, just look how fluffy and fuzzy the lionhead is! i vote lionhead! by the way it so weird i found this because this weekend i am going to the pet store to either get a lion or lop but i pretty sure i anm getting a lionhead though! good luck choosing but go with the lionhead please!!!
I have a 13 week old lion head bunny and I just love him. They wont get more than two pounds. Another plus is wile your brushing thier hair creates bonding time. But I also think that you should choise the one that feels like you can bond with and be apart of your family.
I have the lionhead for a pet and it is sooo sweet. It's little ears remind me of a cat's and that's why i picked him<3
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