Here goes:
Ronda at Ronda's Rants has given me this little cutie:

Next, another sweet friendship award from Jo-Jo: of Madness and Blessings.

This one is great because it showcases coffee and tea--both of which I love! This one has some questions along with it:
1. Do you have the same friends since childhood? Yes--quite a few! Although I have newer ones too--I love the mix of the old and the new!
2. What do you value most about your friends? That they're always there when I need them and all the great laughs!!
3. Are your friends sounding boards? Yes! I don't know what I would do without my friends as sounding boards--and that includes my bloggy friends who have been so great in that department!
4. What is your favorite activity to share with friends? I love going out for dinner and laughs, playing board games, emailing and talking on the phone--basically everything!
Thank you, Jo-Jo!!
Anissa from Queen Bee gave me this pretty one:

Things I value:
1. I'll lump my husband, kids and extended family into one slot!
2. My health.
3. My friends.
4. My pets.
5. My Chemical Romance!
I DON'T value:
1. Lying.
2. Slowpoke/bad drivers.
3. If I'm out of coffee.
4. Kids that bully.
5. General meanness.
6. When people are always late.
And more from Susie of Susie's Homemade --also my good friend, Jen, who has a new blog What's Shakin' that you all must check out! Thank you Jen!! Thank you Susie!!
This beauty:

*I'm going to skip the obvious husband and kids answers--but you know that's true!
1. Gerard Way
2. Starbucks
3. Payday candy bars
4. Thanksgiving
5. The Office
6. Seeing movies in the theatre (with popcorn and Twizzlers).
Susie also gave me this one:

My friend Mamahut from Mamahut's House gave me this one awhile back--I apologize for the tardiness.

Kathy has a brand new grandson--Congratulations Kathy and thank you!
And finally, Babbling Brooks and Stitching Mama have tagged me!
Seven weird or random facts!! I have done this one before--but I think I can come up with more!!

1. My hair is now bright pink!
2. I can't sleep unless I have my "sound machine" with rain sounds on.
3. I love reptiles (but not so much snakes).
4. I would like to write/illustrate a children's book.
5. I crave Pinkberry in a bad way.
6. A long time ago I had a "past life" reading done and it said I was a Russian ballet dancer with three sons.
7. If I have peanut butter-filled pretzel nuggets in the house, I will eat them like a dog--not stopping until they're gone.
Wait! There's more! I'm so sorry I left off my Down Under friend, Dee, from My Aussie Antics. I knew I would do that--sorry again Dee!!
She gave me this terrific award:

1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Where is your significant other? work.
3.Your hair color? pink!
4.Your mother? nurse
5. Your father? pediatrician.
6. Your favorite thing? Pinkberry
7. Your dream last night? insomnia
8. Your dream/goal? artist
9. The room you're in? kitchen
10. Your hobby? many!
11. Your fear? bees
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy!
13. Where were you last night? Internets
14. What you're not? thin!
15. One of your wish-list items? bunny
16. Where you grew up? city
17. The last thing you did? coffee
18. What are you wearing? sweater
19. Your TV? Office!
20. Your pets? multiple
21. Your computer? breaking
22. Your mood? tired
23. Missing someone? no
24. Your car? minivan
25. Something you're not wearing? socks
26. Favorite store? Nordsrtom
27. Your summer? fun!
28. Love someone? lots
29. Your favorite color? pink
30. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
31. Last time you cried? weeks?
Thanks again Dee!!
Now, when it comes to handing out the awards--I just can't choose--you're all great! So feel free to take any or all of these! Also, I made a makeshift little award from me to all of you (and by all of you, I mean anyone who reads my blog) so feel free to take it if you like it!

Thanks again Everybody--I really appreciate it!! And, again, if I forgot somebody I'm SO sorry--please let me know!!

You forgot the "I love your blog" award I gave you, unless you alread posted about it and I missed it...
With all that blog love being trown at you, I can understand missing a few! LOL.
Jenny, I have an idea for your book! Will you get on the ball and write me?! LOL, you-know-who
WOW! Those are a lot of awards! You deserve them all! Congrats!
Wowza, that's some blog bling, woman!
You deserve every one of them- congrats!!
Okay...that is cute!
Congrats on your awards...You are worthy!!!
I'm sorry Dee!! I fixed it!!!
Congrats on all th love!
Oh my stars!! Look at you and all of your awards. You go, girl!
Congrats on all your awards -- you deserve them your blog is wonderful! I'm taking a few to pass on. I love your award it is so cute!
Much Love
I swear I gave you an award at some point.....if I didn't, I meant too! I love your blog...congrats on all your bling. I'm taking the Fun House award! :)
Geesh! You're popular. I'm taking them all. I'm gonna take them all and run through the streets of my hood and shout, "In your face! I stole these blogging awards!" I'm then going to have to explain to most of my neighbors what blogging is.
Fun stuff! Lots of awards there girl!
Thank you for participating and congrats on all the awards!
I will also check out Top Chef, thanks for passing that along.
Congrats on the awards! So nice to get a little blog love, isn't it?
Those are all so great! You deserve them!
I am going to post your fancy award because it is so cute! Also...I am giving you another award but I see you already have are so deserving! Thanks for all the mornings ...I enjoy reading your blog!!!
Congratulations on all of your awards! You deserve them because you are so fun:-)
Wow! That there is a LOT of awards! Get down with your bad self!
Congrats on all your awards...I love your funhouse award! so cool...I'm probably going to snag it, cause you can never have enough bling...
My what a lot of awards to respond to! I love how you did it and now Im on my way to view the links you shared. Oh, and Congratulations!
Look at all of your pretty's! You must feel so loved. You wanna know what I did? I accidently deleted my blog roll about a week ago. Now I read sometimes at night and fall asleep reading blogs, and sometimes I read in the mornings. Either way I lost you and I am so senile I just now figured it out. I'm sorry. I am going to steal your clown K?
Look at you with all the cool blog awards! Yay!
:) Robin
cinnamon & honey
HOLY COW!!! Look at all your awards!! CONGRATS
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