But apparently what she heard was "Please dye all my hair bright pink except for the part near my forehead--leave that brownish."
Because that's exactly what she did!

I didn't realize what she was doing because she put the pink part on when I was over in the hair-washing chair. By the time I looked in the mirror--all bets were off!
When I got home, Don said, "That's...interesting." But, of course, the kids thought I was the coolest mom on the planet--which I am! Or maybe the craziest?? Oh, also--when I was at the pet store buying ferret food and crickets, the guy behind the counter said he liked my hair--so that's good, I guess?
It's okay, though, I'm going to "own" it while I have it and, as Tim Gunn would say: "Make it work!"
Well, you make it work! I admire you..here I thought I was sumpem sumpen because I could just pose for a picture!
It actually does look pretty...I think you should own it because it looks good on you.
I think it looks cute, Jen! I agree with Ronda- own it, girl! :D
I am sure that we have all had that scary moment in the chair but yours works:-)
You are definately worked that pink hair, I love it!!
I think it looks FABULOUS!
Thanks Guys! You made me feel better about it. I like it too--in a way. When I got this morning I had forgotten about it and almost screamed when I looked n the mirror.
Kindergarten drop-off tomorrow should be interesting!!
I could not pull off the pink hair but baby you pull it off well! I do hope you said something to the stylist though...I am sure you paid good money to get what you wanted! She don't need to know that we think it looks hot on ya!
I like it ... it looks really good on you !!!
Work it, baby!! :-)
OMGawd I bet the kids were like, yahoo! I would incorporate it into Halloween somehow...what could you do? It goes with your coloring though so put on a magenta sweater and work it girl!
Either your In....or your out!
Well I think your still IN! When Life gives you lemons....make pink Lemonaide! (sorry!couldn't resist)
LOL Becky!! You're TOO funny!!
I love it -- maybe I will put some in my hair and we can be twins. My son wants red highlights and my daughter wants pink -- She loves you hair to by the way. She said look mom I want my hair like that!
Work it girl -- I would!
Much Love
omg jen i soooo want your hair! lol! i have wanted pink 'highlights' forever now too, the freak in me is intching to come out! i just did mine the other day and kept it boring brown. lol!
wow, when I saw that on twitter I thought you were maybe joking...hmmm, well, it's great actually! my only suggestion? don't wear red...at least no a lot of red...oh, whatever...wear red...you totally rock!
Rock the Pink my friend.
OMG... Hannah would LOVE it if I came home with hair like that! You're the coolest mom!
Andrea--Just do it!! It'll wash out!! (Eventually...LOL).
Oh, girl. You can't have pink hair and be waffling about it. You strut that mane of candy colored hair like there's no tomorrow. I love it. Work it. Work it!
It's cute, Jennifer. It makes me smile. And it's hard to make me smile right now!
I think you are going to start a trend... pretty soon all of us moms in the blogosphere are gonna be sporting pink hair! Awesome!
I love it... think it looks great on you!
Oh, I just noticed...
now you and Gerard match! LOL!
You might as well own it. I mean, after all, you PAID for it. Right?
I think it's cute too! Go with it. :) I told my husband the other day I was thinking about putting a little blue streak in my hair, and he just stood there looking at me like---"you've got to be kidding!."
I just might do it.
Wow, that is PINK! I like it though, hey at least it's in time for Halloween!
Looks great! Seriously I have always wanted to color my hair and am too chicken so way to go, you rock!!! :0)
hahahaha.....I just love your attitude!!! And yeah, if the guy you buy crickets from likes it...well, what more validation do you need???? :) Work it, Girl!!!
You go girl!! That's so funny because I just got pink highlights! Susie told me you did too, so I came over to check you out. Your stylist did get a little carried away, but I like it. It's unique.
Be sure to write down what all people say to you. lol I've already gotten some funny comments and mine aren't as noticeable as yours. I really like your hair though, and I love your attitude.
That's an amazingly positive outlook on what was a pretty big mistake by the hairstylist! Good on you!
Ummmmmmm, Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Ummmmmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
She should of done it all or a little! I love the color but not how she left the front undone! lol
Communication with hairstylists is a fine science. Some are so very literal. I bet you were dying when you had to hand over a check and pay for that! ;o)
I once went blond. Kept it for about 3 days and then could not stand it any more. Paid a fortune to dye it back to boring old brown.
Yes, make it work! I had the same thing happen to me with red highlights, the lady just did highlights, then dyed all my hair with red, so I was dark red all over (I have black hair) with REALLY bright red highlights! I just wanted the really bright red highlights, apparently it was just too much work!
Hmmm...You got me thinking I might need a change. I do need a change, I just need to pick a color! You are rocking the pink hair!
Hi there! Just stopped over from SITS. Loved this post...funny, I just posted about my hair as well recently...went from blonde to deep red. I always had a secret desire to do pink...I think you rock it!
Hi! I'm visiting from SITS. I LOVE the pink hair. I wish I had the cajones to do something crazy like that but I really don't. LOVE it on you though! :)
Happy SITS Day! I think your hair looks "mauvelous"!
Oh my! I'm glad you made it work as I could never pull that off myself. I'd be steaming mad, lol!:)
Most women would have fallen apart. You work that pink hair!!
I like it!
I never know what I'm getting at the hair salon. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses, so it's always a surprise at the end for me.
That can sometimes be a good thing. And sometimes, it can be a very very bad thing.
That's an awesome shade of pink!
Happy SITS Day. You are too funny! You are workin the hair.
OMG I would've gone Apesh*t!! Hahaha! It matches your coloring though!
I would have freaked out! At least you look good in pink!
That's awesome. I wan't blue hair but don't have the guts. I wish someoen would make that "mistake" on me :)
Wow! That's cool! :) At least you look cool with it! I died my hair here at home with "highlights". Instead of blonde, I turned orange. At least orange is one of my favorite colors. :)
Congrats on your FB day!
You have the right attitude SITSta!
BTW, I LOVE your blog design!
Over from SITS . . .
Cute - Girls just wanna have fun!
I LOVE IT! It's so cool, and shiny and pretty:)
Congrats on being saucy. The pink hair makes you EXTRA saucy!
Oh lord...you are a bigger woman than I am...I would have told her...you fix it...and I'm not leaving till you do.....crazy...but you are working it...so good for you....
I love the failure to communicate part!
Um, yeah failure to communicate! Well at least it's a nice kind of pink.
Happy SITs Day!
I love it! I used to do crazy colors and stuff when I was younger. I think I lost my nerve for that now that I'm all married and settled and stuff. So kudos to you for still being cool like dat :-)
I don't think I could have walked out of the salon, but Koodos to you for doing it!
Wow. lol! I ended up with yellow hair last time I went in. We're talking, I looked like a banana!
I think I'll stick with box colour from now on! lol
Wow! You are a far braver woman than I am - one time when I was getting my hair colored, my stylist messed something up while mixing the dye and turned my roots - just my (really quite noticeable as I always waited too long between colorings 'cause I'm cheap like that) roots - bright pink. We're talking day-glo magenta here. I had this sort of faux-punk, pink skunk stripe right down the middle of my hair.
I did *not* follow the ever-fantabulous Mr. Gunn's advice and make it work. I took one look in the mirror and requested quite firmly that my stylist correct the color. Which she only managed to do by dyeing it a very, very, very dark brown, much darker than my typical chestnut-y auburn. (Think Cindy Crawford, but, you know, not stunningly beautiful.) When I got to work the next morning? My staff called me Morticia Addams. *sob*
So, a million kudos to you for rocking the (much nicer) pink hair! Woooooo!
I couldn't pull off pink hair. I don't have the right skin tone for it. But it doesn't look bad on you.
I do hope you at least said something to your hair dresser about the mistake, at the very least for future reference.
Brownish by your forehead. Oh man. Thanks for the morning laugh!
Woo-hoo! Nothing like changing it up at the salon, right?
I think it looks pretty darn cool, actually.
Work it!
:^) Anna
ha! Did the stylist *notice* she didn't deliver? I sure hope so, otherwise any instructions are game for interpretation next time 'round. I think it looks great on you though!
You can definately pull this one off. I'm pretty sure my family & coworkers would think I had gone off the deep end. . .and I'm not sure the college people would approve (but who cares, right?). I should see if pink would show up with my dark hair. . .hmmm. . . I know some browns look red. . . I'm not that brave! You go, girl!
Ooh, I usually don't voice my opinions when someone messes up my hair, but I probably would have said something on this one!
I actually love the pink color overall, it looks great on you! But the brownish part, I would have asked her to fix. :P
love it.
The pink is HOT on you! Way to work it!!!
Make it work. I love Tim Gunn!! I hate it when the hairdresser do their own interpretation. Then you still have to tip!! But, it actually does work for you. I love that picture of Pickle. It is so sweet.
Pink hair AND signed My Chemical Romance tickets. I'm pretty sure you are the coolest mom.
All my son can claim for me is that I taught him The Itsy Bitsy Spider! :)
This is awesome! I love the pink hair... it really suits you! Stopping over from SITS.
You are a cool mom! and it looks good! I love the idea of pink hair, but have never done it permanantly, just the temporary stuff! YOu look great.
I commented on this post back when you posted it, but here I am again! Love your hair. My pink highlights faded pretty quickly. How are yours holding up?
I got pink highlights for breast cancer awareness (October) and the proceeds of the cost when to benefit charities that research. So...look at it that way...you are just way more breast aware than most of us!
Pink is my favorite color! (said in a Steven Tyler voice)
that is some pink hair!
I could never dye my hair pink because I'm so blond it probably would never go back to the right color! (Unless I dyed it again!)
Kudos to you for working with it. I'd have totally freaked out. Then again, this is probably why I've never dyed or highlighted my hair! ;)
And Make It Work you do!!
Own it, Own it!
WOW! You've got one beautiful head of hair so full and curly! You rock that pink hair girlfriend! Just tell everyone you dyed it pink because you love SITS so much!
I can't believe I missed this post while I was out of the country!!
I was wondering where the pinkish hue was coming from in your recent photos (Especially with Hoppy).
My mom accidentally ended up with purple hair once. And she worked at my elementary school. Years later kids were still talking about how "cool" she was!
I actually love it. But I know how disapointing it can be to not get what you want at a hair salon :-( Love the pink, very inspiring...hmmm!
A friend of mine in college died her hair bright pink. I think she got in trouble for it in band (since we're all supposed to be uniform, you know), if I remember correctly. Fun stuff!
Oh my! I think I'd have probably drop kicked a beautician right then and there.
I think it's wonderful!
Happy SITS Day!
Don't you just hate when people don't LISTEN to what you say...especially your hairdresser!
You are brave!
Love the blog...I'll definitely be back.
Pink hair is the new Blonde.
I like it!
Well at least it's cute. I could NOT pull off pink hair.
Happy SITS Day! You pull off the pink--a heck of a lot better than I could!! How fun!
wow, that is crazy what is up with your hair dresser. She must have had pink on the brain and now you have pink on the head.
It actually looks really nice. You know what did not look nice? When my lady turned my hair magenta. I still do not know why. At least people do not look at you and wonder if you KNOW your hair is pink like they did me
You are one brave woman. I cry when my hair doesn't turn out like the picture I bring in to the salon (which is almost every time I go). I need some of whatever you've got to make you "own it."
Happy SITS day!
I think you're definitely...Pretty in Pink! :) I actually like it.
That is cute. I think I would kill me a hair dresser but you do wear it well.
WOW- I would have flipped out BUT I actually love it!!
Congratulations on being the featured blogger of the day!
I TOTALLY DIG IT! But if it helps you feel any better...I always tell my hair gal that I want red with blond highlights, and I leave looking like a trashy hooker. Tell me again why I keep going back?
Happy SITS Day!
Oh wow that's bright! I found myself liking it the more I looked at your picture. My grandma once dyed her hair purple - on accident, we think - and I was suddenly the coolest kid around because my grandma rocked. So, just think, you're making your kids look good to all their friends. :)
Pretty in Pink.
Well you definitely make it work!! ...and you're much braver than I. I don't think I could make it work!! :)
Communication is important in every relationship :)
That's so funny. Although... I kinda like it. It's unique... And it's so pretty and wavy, too.
It actually doesn't look too bad, which she had finished that brown patch first. It's nice you're such a good sport about it, although I hope she gave you something to compensate, like say a free corrective trip back?
Happy SITS day! And I love the pink...makes me want to consider a trip to the outrageous-salon myself!
Happy SITS Day! I think you look great in pink-and enjoy the experience while it lasts because it's just hair, it will grow out, right? :)
You ARE the coolest mom ever. :)
You poor thing - I can imagine that was an AKWARD moment at the salon!
But it really does look great on you! It's a very fun and pretty shade of pink! You don't look like you'll have any problems "owning it"!
Happy SITS day! I love the hair, too cute :D
You're rocking it Mama! I could never pull that look off! Of course I did experiment with hair dye when I was younger . . . anywho, you look awesome! Happy SITS day!! Rock on Mama, Rock on!
I like your hair. I have always wanted blonde and pick hair, but I am too chicken. I have only dyed my hair twice. Neither time was too far from my original color.
What a great attitude to have! "Make it work" and you did!
Oh, I'm TOTALLY loving the pink!
The pink color is pretty, but you should have made the stylist fix it! If you're not happy, she didn't do her job :) Happy SITS Day!
Wow, that's pink! I don't have the guts to do something like that, but you're making it work.
You can definitely rock the pink. :)
Love the positive attitude. Make it work for you!
It totally works on you... but... I hope you didn't have to pay her for it.
Work the hair girl! It looks great!
Love the pink! Wonder what my little nephews would think if I had pink hair? They would probably want it to be blue, since that' their favorite color now.
Ok, that's hilarious. :-) But I'm a big Pink fan so that color would totally work for me and I would so rock it too. Of course I have jet black hair so I don't think it could ever happen to me. :-)
Congrats on being the featured blogger on SITS!!!
Saucy hair! It could be your breast cancer support- like a ribbon but better :)
You are, by far, a braver woman than I! I have a feeling you can totally pull it off, even though I don't know you.
Happy SITS day! :)
I actually love the pink! But, please tell me she didn't charge you!
Hehe love how you are totally making it work- the clowns... now those freak me out... but I love the hair.
Well make it work girl. Pink is the new -pink? Congrats on your SITS day
Dying the hair to match the blog? I think that's a whole new level of addiction!
You'll have to let us know if "Pinks have more fun"!
You have a great attitude about it!!
I love that you are so confident about it....good for you...you wear it well.
Hi - visiting from SITS - the hair is cool ;)
Hi stopping by way of SITS.
That is the color of hair I would have had in high school, but you are for sure rockin it sister!
I'm hoping you fired your stylist!!!
That is totally awesome! I wonder sometimes if hairdressers speak a different language. At least you didn't ask for a "bit off the top".
A day late visiting from SITS. I loved the Tim Gunn reference. You get points just for requesting pink hair, while I would only think about it. Looks great.
I think you're totally awesome! Congrats on your SITS day--I hope you get some regulars! (You know I'm one already.)
Don't you just love when your man responds to any new hair ventures as "interesting..." :) Although, it actually looks really cute on you (and you have great hair, too).
I am diggin the pink!
Make it work!! I love that you used that quote...and oh. my. god girlfriend, I cannot BELIEVE that chick did that to you??? Do you have her card? I NEEED a new stylist...
My husband likes to use "That's Interesting" too. Only now he can't because I figured out what it really meant.
If you hadn't told me that you didn't ask for it, I would have just said how much I love it! I have had different colors in my hair before, and I love the pink.
I love your bravery and no wonder your kids think you are the cool mom...You are!!
Oh my WORD,lol. I never in a million years would've thought ot die my hair pink, but now that I see it on you, I'm thinking I might try for something "new" at my next appt! Though it might be your gorgeous curls that I'm really digging.
Here's to the coolest pink headed mom!
Seriously, it's fetching adorable!
I love it and might just use it as my inspiration to go pink!
i am googling for pink hair and i just wanted to let you know your best bet in the future to get what you want is to add extensions called "special effects" then you dont have to color your own hair at all. if you want more info email me i am not a stylist, just someone who likes pink hair, too :)
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