1. The first time you are caught chewing gum you are to spit it into a glass jar she keeps in the room called the "Gum Jar."
2. If it happens again, you have to spit the gum in the jar and then "put your hand in the jar and squish all the gum around for thirty seconds." (!!!)
3. If you do it a third time, you have to fill an entire piece of graph paper with g-u-m written in every box.
4. With the fourth offense you must write "gum" 100 times on a piece of wood with a Sharpie marker and then sand the wood with 200 grit sandpaper until the words are gone!!
Have you ever heard of anything like that? Teddy said he was chewing gum once and had to spit it in the jar--but that he'll never chew gum in her class again. I asked him if any of the kids got caught chewing it more than once and he said that a couple of kids have had to squish the gum in the jar.
I don't like gum chewing--but wow! this woman is hardcore!!

Strangest "gum policy" I've heard yet!
She must really hate gum. Weird.
eewwe! That's gross. Does she have a antibacterial hand sanitizer next to the jar of gum after they have to squish their hands in the jar? ugh. gross
I don't understand some teachers...really! Where on earth and what other job could she get away with this insane rule?...Can you just imagine this is happening in the corporate world? On any level?
I really don't understand this !
WoW! Just a guess, but I think the teacher is aqainst gum chewing!
Holy Cow that is ridiculous!
That teacher has waaaaay too much time on her hands if she's sitting around thinking up stuff like that. If I were you I'd bring the "2nd-offense" punishment to the attention of the principal. I mean, the others are weird, but that one is just extremely unsanitary.
Ok -- That's just nasty. For one keeping chewed up gum in a jar(Who does that) and then having the kids touch it. I'm one that don't like germs -- my kids would have to scrub there hands forever and then I would have to go scrub that ladies face for making my kids touch someone else's chew up gum. Thanks for sharing -- Hope you little one don't chew gum in her class no more.
Much Love
I know! The squishing of the gum is SO unsanitary. I would be really ticked off if I heard my kid did that!
Very bizarre.
That makes me gag, and I am not a gagger by nature.
That is just nasty having to stick your hand and squish someone elses chewed gum. Oh how gross.
It's strange. The only one that bothers me is the hand squishing the gum thing. The rest are just time consuming. But maybe they would work, I dunno.
Ewwwww.. And at the same time.....
Wow.. what a way to deter a kid from chewing gum in the class. I bet not too many go past the first time!
That's totally gross!! I know she is using it as a deterent but, she has to follow through when the kids push and that's just unsanitary:-( Yucko!!
OMG I love her but hate her all at once...the squishing part is absolutely disgusting though.
That IS weird!!! and yucky!!! It kind of reminds me of the Simpsons!!!
I'm betting there is not a lot of gum chewing in her class. As a gum hater, I say anything that keeps them from smackin' that gum is worth it to me. Oh my, do I hate gum smacking. Like nails on a chalkboard.
At first I was thinking that was totally sick, but now I am thinking it is pretty clever and creative. She probably rarely has second offenses, and those that do set the stage for the others.
But, yes, so disgusting.
Oh my! That makes me want to gag! How disgusting! I do not like gum either but really - that is taking it a little to far.
I think this teacher is a little freaky for being able to think of such stupid & ridiculous stuff!
That's disgusting! :P And so very weird.
OMGosh just the thought of the gum jar grosses me out... how many pieces are in there? Ugh, a jar full of chewed gum and spit... nasty!
That is not only weird but GROSS and probably against many health department rules. Ugh.
Happy gno.
Dude, that's overboard.
I wouldn't want my kid squishing their hands in a jar of gum. Especially with all the meningitis scares you hear about these days.
How about a gum policy in which a kid that is caught chewing gum has to throw it away in the trash can? Or is that just crazy talk?
I just found your blog!!! yay...you're an amazing artist and mom of 5!!! We have that in common, just that I'm so not creative like you are.
Gum teacher--makes me very angry...very unsanitary...what if someone is coming down with something, and someones kid puts their hand in the gum jar...I have to say with a kid with CF I'd be pissed off!!! I hope you complained!
Great blog I'm coming back.
That's one of the strangest gum policies that I've ever heard of. Borderline creepy actually.
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