Anyway,this season is shaping up to be even better than last--not only is Jeff Conaway back--but his insane girlfriend is there too. Then there's Gary Busey who's as crazy as a loon, the drummer from Guns 'N Roses (who consumed 100 Valium followed by a bottle of "Jagermeister" and then some heroin--and lived to tell about it!) and the third place winner from the first American Idol. Oh, and Rodney King of the L.A. riots fame.
Okay, I've totally gone on a tangent--but if you're not watching, please start--I need to discuss it with someone.
So on to Halloween. We carved pumpkins tonight and it was more fun than I remember it being in the past! It seems like I used to be exhausted when the carving was done with my fingers aching from the scraping and the cutting--not this time! It was much more civilized. I made a little party of it with some cheese and crackers, chips and (the highly addictive) "Lil' Smokies." I also made homemade fudge (addictive too).
Here's Gooser ready to get his carve on!
Patrick working on his pumpkin:
Teddy with his "text-speak" pumpkin
Here's a couple "after" shots. I'll take more pics of them in their full candle-lit glory tomorrow.
Can you guess who the bat one belongs to?
A few more Halloween-related items...My friend sent me these adorable chocolates as a Halloween surprise. Aren't they cute!?! I screamed with delight when I saw the eyeball ones! They look almost too good to eat--but I will eat them anyway.
And here's a random pic of the Gooser eating a Frankenstein cookie.
Oh, and I was BOOed by Anissa and Kelly and Tenakim !
Isn't that cute? Thanks Anissa and Kelly and Tena!
Finally....bunny pic(s) of the day!
Gooser kisses Dr. Hoppy:Dr. Hoppy wearing his/her witch costume!
Dr. Hoppy says: "Happy Halloween!!!"
Happy Halloween to you! And Boo right back!!
Great Halloween pics. And, of course, I love the bunny pics!!!!
Happy Halloween, I'm jealous of your goody's and your pumpkins look awsome! Oh yeah boo to you too! Someone bood me the other day and I haven't had time to boo back...hmmm BOO
Those pumpkis look great! And sodo those eyeballs....very cool! And I LOVE Dr. Bunny in his/her cute!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!
Very cool Jack-o-lanterns!
Happy Halloween! :)
Happy Halloween! Have fun!!!
Cute pics!! :)
do you outsource? we have not carved our pumpkins yet! YIKES!!
OMG that bunny picture is to cute! Yes -- I watched it last night -- OMG I thought I was the only one who watched it. It was so good. I watched it last year and couldn't wait for it the year.
Love all your halloween pumpkins they are to cute!
Happy Halloween.
Or should I say "Hoppy" Halloween!
I like the "text speak" pumpkin - really shows how we are so entrenched in technology these days!
You have such an adorable family and what great pictures! Looks like a blast! Love the bunny shots too. Hehe
I must be the only person in blogland who doesn't watch TV. Like, ever. So no, I have no idea what you are talking about! I love the pumpkins-this is the first year in 7 years that we haven't carved them-the early snow threw everything off and suddenly it is Halloween! Those candies are really fabulous looking, and needless to say, kdis and bunny are all stunning.
Happy Boo Day! Great table arrangements - as always - love the bunny
GREAT pumpkins....we need to step up our carving for next year!
Happy Halloween!
Just catching up on all my blog reading. :-)
Dr Hoppy is so cute !!! Does he chew on electrical cords? We had a bunny back in NZ, that almost electrocuted itself. It did chew through the antanae cord for the TV did the dog !!
Love the pumpkins !!!
I've watched bits and pieces of Celeb Rehab. Gary Busey is a total whack job. Any kid considering drug use should be sat down and forced to watch what drug and alcohol abuse eventually does to your brain !!! Not to mention your looks !!
You dressed up your rabbit? Bless you!
I love the bunny's witch costume!!!
Those are great Halloween pictures:-)
Great pumpkins! Dr. Witch Bunny is probably the best costume I've seen so far!
Love the bunny's costume!!! LOL!!
You've have quite the busy day (and season!) Hope you enjoyed Halloween!
Could you please adopt me?
Would it be weird to have a 35 year old child?
LOL! Y'all are the most FUN family ever! Love the pics. Hope you had a great Halloween!
I have not watched Celeb Rehab... but OMGosh, loony Gary Busey would be reason enough to start! HA! What a whack-o, that one!
Teddy's pumpkin is very clever! They all look good... I'd like to see them lit.
And I'm lovin' the "bunny pic of the day" :)
OMG...those punkins are awesome!!
Great pumpkins! And I love Dr. Hoppy's costume... too cute!
Good day, sun shines!
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