Welcome to my freakshow! I'm a SAHM to five kids--four boys and one bacon-addicted girl. We also have three dogs, two ferrets, one turtle, one bearded dragon, an albino rabbit and some fish. I love glassblowing, painting, photography, knitting and, now, blogging!
It gets worse. My daughter does this "Would you like a (fill in the blank with something ridiculous)for dinner." It's really annoying.
Sounds like her sense of humour hasn't been daunted by the recent bug. Susie is right, it gets worse before it gets better.
Well she's in good spirits!
OMG....that is too wierd...Max does the exact same thing! Some times it is Poo-Poo and some time it is "underwear head"! I totally related to this!
Oh, it must be the age...Jackson loves to lay these zingers on us!!!
hahahaha......I'll tell it to Z and see if he thinks its funny. ;)
Hahahaha- cute! =)
Tell her I think it's HILARIOUS! Too cute.
Poo-poo is an old standby in this house as well.
"Let me taste you. You taste like poo-poo!"
Ahahaha! It's so cute when kids make up things & think they're funny!
It's perfect! Lol.
omg-lol! :D
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