In order to properly tell this miraculous story, I'm going to give you some background information first.
1. If you didn't know already, I have a "thing" for eyeballs and I have had this for most of my life. Maybe it stems from the fact that my eyes have been screwed up since birth and that I had to wear glasses starting at the age three months and I had an eye surgery when I was three years? Whatever the reason, this has been an obsession of mine, and I have always been attracted to the eyeball as a symbol--so much so that I have always worn jewelry, etc. adorned with eyeballs. Oh, and I am planning on getting an eyeball tattoo in March at the "L.A. Ink" place--stay tuned for more details on that!
2. I am not what you'd call a religious person. I have my own skewed set of beliefs that doesn't fall into any particular category--basically I try to be nice to people and be a positive thinker. Having said that, I went to Catholic school for twelve years of my life so a lot of the symbolism and stories of that religion are deeply embedded in me.
3. I was having a conversation on the phone with my friend yesterday (she is, by the way, the one that told me to bury the St. Joseph statue in the backyard to improve the chances of selling the house quickly) and she was telling me how she was out and about with all her kids the day before and realized when she got home that her son's "best blanket" (they had taken it with them) was missing.
I totally understand how panicked she must have felt--both Gooser and Pickle have blankets that they
need to function. I don't even want to think about what would go down here if one of them went missing.
Anyway, her son's blanket was missing and she went to search--trying to retrace all the steps of the day--restaurant, bookstore, department store--she searched everywhere but couldn't find it.
Then she went back again later that night to search some more, but still came up empty-handed.
Somehow, she got her son to sleep without the blanket and headed out again the next morning to do more searching. She said she remembered hearing that if you ask St. Anthony for help, he will assist in finding missing things. So she offered up some kind of prayer and continued to look.
She decided to stop into stores she hadn't even been in the day before, but that were at points in between where she had gone. Oddly enough, she went into the Birkenstock shop and they had the blanket!!
Okay--now with all that confusing information I have given you, I can get on with my story!!
So I had this eyeball ring that I loved--I loved it as much as you can love an inanimate object. It was such a special ring that I bought in New York City while I was in college at this weird hole-in-the-wall store that I couldn't find now if I tried--though I'm sure it's long gone. Anyway, I have worn this ring on and off for years, but it went missing several years ago.
I have searched high and low-in obvious and not so obvious places for it. I have tried unsuccessfully to find a replacement ring on eBay or whatever--nothing even close has ever turned up.
One place I have searched extensively is a little closet in my bathroom where I keep all my lotions and potions (notions? What are notions? You always see that sign in the drugstore. And, by the way, what are sundries?). Anyway, I have been through this little closet many times, checking and rechecking every shelf in there. Additionally, since I have been on a cleaning and organizing spree lately, I went up there with one of those giant black garbage bags a few months ago and
totally cleaned the whole closet out--throwing away everything I could and organizing the rest.
So last night I had my eyeball ring on my mind and was even searching around on the Internet once again to find something similar--no luck. I went up to take a bath and, while the tub was filling, decided to look through that dumb closet for the ten millionth time.
I carefully opened any kind of box or receptacle I could find, I groped in the corners...After checking a couple of shelves, I remembered what my friend had said on the phone that morning about St. Anthony and missing things and I said something makeshift like "St. Anthony--I'd really like to find my eyeball ring!"
So on the next shelf, there was a fluffy towel that my mom had given me for Christmas that I keep folded there with my hairdryer on top of it. I reached in with one hand to lift the towel and when I put my other hand underneath--the eyeball ring fell into my freaking hand!!!!!
Let me say that again--I was lifting up a towel that I have only owned for a month or so--after I have searched through and cleaned this closet multiple times for a span of
years--and the ring FELL into my hand!
I was so freaked out I thought I was dreaming or something. Totally, totally surreal.
Now I love my ring more than ever--I consider it a lucky, magic ring and I'm wearing it 24/7 from now on!
My precious.So that's my miracle. And you can bet I am all over the idea of the St. Joseph statue helping me sell the house!