Here is my submission for
Candid Carrie's Phriday Foto Phiesta:
I think Don must have taken this pic becauase I didn't--but I'm pretty sure it was taken right after I bought the kids new pajamas and they were so excited they put them on right away.
I love "brothers" pics--and this is an especially tender moment between Teddy and Gooser. Usually Teddy picks on Gooser so it's nice to see them getting along. Plus the pajamas are pretty snazzy!
Happy Friday!!
Cute as buttons! =)
Too cute.
I am liking the pj's too.
My oldest used to pick on his younger brother so much I worried they wouldn't be close...they have grown up to be really close!
I love those PJ's and your boys are too cute!
Matching jammies are the BEST! We started the whole family jammie tradition last year- can't wait to pick em out for this year!
Are those santa skull and cross bones? Love it!! And those boys aren't too shabby either. :)
That is a SUPER cute pictures! I love those PJs!
Cool pic of the brothers together. I love that they are holding hands. So cute. And the PJ's are cool too.
Happy Friday!!
Awww....they are so cute! I love those pjs too!
Teddy looks just like his mama.
Happy Friday to you too!
CUTE! I love pj's. I if I could stay in them always I would.
Loving those PJ's who knew skulls and crossbones could be Christmas-y.
Love Brothers and their moments.
showin' a little brotherly love!
too cute!!! The Boy always has to put new PJs on right away too!
My son would love those pirate pjs! Cute pic!
Snazzy jammies, indeed!
Love their smiles, too :)
They are soooo cute Jen!! I LOVE it when the kids wear matching jammies!!!
those are some snazzy pj's the smiles!
Too cute! They do look like some pretty cozy jammies! I need me some!
Oh, what sweeties! I totally want a pair of jammies like that, BTW.
Oh, they're too cute!
It is great when you can catch them holding hands and not fighting isn't it?
Very cute picture. I love jammie pictures too.
Great picture!! Brothery love:-)
those are some snazzy PJ's.
LOVE their pj's! Very sweet picture!
Oh and you should definitely put these books on your Christmas list. Heads up - I got the entire box set on Amazon for about $45 + free shipping... pretty good for 4 hardback books.
Those boys are truly rockin' the pj's. Cute!
I love the pj's! Your boys are so handsome too!
Your kids are so cute! And I think the matching PJ's thing is brilliant. It almost makes me wish Imp wasn't, for all intents and purposes, an only child (I have college aged teens, but they're outta the house) - just so I could put them in matching jammies. *lol*
Crap! I keep forgetting about Carrie's Foto Friday thing! Maybe next week I won't be bogged down in horrid paint colours and actually remember to get a photo up!
So dang sweet, I just want to hug them. I just bought the boys polar bear jammies, they are so cute.
I love the pj's. Where did you get them?
I get my kids matching pj's from the childrens Place. They are fleece and oh so cozy.
As I am constantly in awe of your humor, Martha-like-super powers, and ability to wear pink hair...I have given you an award over on my page! Enjoy!
Hi! I love Ann'a GNO! I like the matching PJ's!
Oh, this is just too freakin' cute! They look like they're best friends... so sweet!
Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by! Please visit again soon!
:) Robin
Hi! Visiting from Ann's the PJ's! I want some :)
I love pictures like these! So cute!
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