I think the stress of the moving situation has finally broken me down:
Exhibit One-Tonight Don and I got into a fight which we rarely do. I had spent the entire day cleaning and packing to make our house "open house worthy" and Don didn't acknowledge it when he got home. I was very "fragile" at dinner and let everything he did or didn't say upset me to the point where I was crying and hyperventilating. I'm ok now, but my eyes will be swollen for days...
Exhibit Two--I'm not proud to admit this, but I forgot to pick Gooser up at school today. His schedule is part half day and part full and I guess I had it in my head that it was a full day (when it wasn't) and was so focused on the packing that I was oblivious. His teacher called about 15 minutes after pick-up time and was like "Was he supposed to go home with someone...?" And I was like OMG! and went racing over. Gooser seemed fine but I felt awful.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel like my blog might be kind of makeshift (just like this one I'm writing now!) until things calm down around here--and also I want to apologize for not making the blog-rounds lately. I really enjoy reading and commenting on blogs, but since the majority of my time and energy are being sucked up my the house situation--I just haven't been able to. I will be back in business soon though.
Small real estate update: Mr. Howell did sign the contract, so that's one less thing to worry about, and tomorrow is the house inspection. Our house will go on the market next week so wish us luck!
I need to go sleep off my crying jag now...
Oh Jennifer, take a deep breath. You have so much going on right now. The last think you need to worry about is blogging. Get to it when you can, use it to vent if you need, but don't let it become another stressor. Congrats on the new house, it will all be over soon.
Hey...you are always great!
Take pictures and blog later about it...just keep a journal or notebook and then you can vent in a blog about it at a later date!
This is a stressful time but...you can make it fun!
Soon...there will be another Fun House! Yeah!
I hope things get a little easier...
Who hasn't forgot a kid or two? :)
It is alright. Life gets the best of us at times. Just take a breather and blog when you can. I for one will be here every time you come back. I hope today is a better day.
Hi Jenny! Did you know that moving is in the top three most stressful events that can happen to you in a lifetime? Once, in one of my moves, I lost 10 lbs, partly from the stress, partly from the fact that there was no elevator. I had to haul all my belongings up and down three flights of stairs.
It's actually good that you were able to let off some steam...not to worry!
Take care!
Guess who?
Oh my...you are being way too hard on yourself. I have so much less going on right now and my blog is suffering too....although your posts are usually more well thought out than mine anyway.
But work on getting your house sold....we'll all still be here and looking forward to pics of your new one when you're ready.
No biggie about leaving your kid at school. My mom left me once or twice and I turned out just fine! (Disregarding my depressed blog post this week--completely unrelated, I swear.)
Everyone is allowed a mental breakdown now and again!
OMG--thank you guys! You are all so sweet. Thank you for understanding!
And hi Anne--I know that's you--and if I could lose 10 pounds from this move I would love it!
Yeah, that's life as it happens...blogging takes a back seat and it's okay...but it is a good place to vent, get it all out and move on...it's truly therapy. I am so hoping your sells easily because it is such an emotional thing. Hang in there.
I second the comment "take pics. and blog later about it". We will be hear eager to read when things settle down.
Hang in there Girlfriend! This too shall pass!
Bless your heart... you do sound over loaded right now... you'll be OK! Just know we're always here to cheer you up & support you when you need it!!! You'll get through all this!! Promise!
I once forgot to H at school when she was in kindergarten... I was only late 10 minutes at the most. She was fine but I felt horrible...
Don't feel too stressed about blogging... we totally understand you've got lots going on right now! And we'll be here when things calm down a bit :)
Moving is CRAZY stressful! You just catch up with us when you can!
Don't envy your move, I hate moving, but I think you are entitled to allow yourself a little blog break!
Take care of yourself. We will be here when you get back to normal:-)
I hope things settle down a bit for you! Moving is very stressful... be sure to take some time for yourself, too!
You've got a lot going on...shirk away!
I've been equally bad about making the rounds. My days have been more down than up and I just can't seem to get around to visiting blogs I love. But I always try and make a stop here because there's something about how positive you always are that tends to remind me that it's not all bad! Thanks for sharing parts of your life with us! It always tends to brighten my day.
Take it easy and good luck selling your home.
I don't post every day...I just don't have that much quality stuff in my head! LOL I have been late to pick up my kids before. I hate it, but it happens!
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